Application of temperature cycling for crystal quality control during crystallization

Just getting it set up and testing if the temps are indeed correct but once I do…oh yeah it’s on


That’s awesome bro. GL with the test.


Appreciate it! Excited to post what comes out of my experimentation!


What are your parameters going to be?


I have a few different approaches I’m considering. I’ve got to check out what I’ve been researching and do some calculations but thinking about starting at around 90f and slowly ramping up after a lower than usual oven temp for about 10 cycles at 12 hrs a piece


I did find that I could decrease the time in between cycles to about 4 hrs and had great success with that as well. Cant wait to see your results.


Thank you very much! Let’s kick some ass!


Good stuff!

Ive got mine set to for 0c for 12 minutes, then 10 minutes at 35c, repeat. 65 cycles per day.

Enough to form a thicker layer of fines around my seeds and then redissolve them to clear again.

My manual cycling tests havnt impress much though.


I’ll have to consider that. I’m on the hunt for smaller than usual jars that can hold hella pressure so I don’t have to piss away an oz or so every time I have a wild hair across my ass and wanna try something.

To be totally honest if there were a way that the .2ml ampoules the well block was designed for could hold the equitable amount of pressure that would be motherfucking awesome in terms of testing different variables I have in mind.


I’ve made liquid CO2 in the 1.5ml versions hundreds of times.

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 8.55.42 AM

which means I’ve had them up over 100 PSI

I suggest you try stuffing dry ice in a couple, and then warm one gently in your hand.

I could get 1ml of liquid CO2 the 1.5ml versions.

check solvent compatibility. probably polyethylene…

you could also target the OLDER PCR machines. they take 0.5ml tubes.


Appreciate it very much! Time to do the pepsi challenge and snag small amounts of a few types.

I believe there’s a 60-well block replacement which would take that size as well. Tried to do as much homework on it as I could do being a non-lab dweller usuallly.


rerunning those 25+ year old memories, I realized that the trick of getting liquid CO2 in an eppendorf tube relies on holding it closed until the plastic is no longer elastic (freezes).

In that state it will hold the 100+ PSI required to contain the CO2 as a liquid.

you’re also looking at a different size tube. you need 30PSI at 30C (some head room would be great).

reasonably sure you can get away with cooling your block to zero, filling/capping/loading a 0.2ml tube or two, and slowly ramping without blowing anything up. maybe step up 2C at a time till you know where they reliably pop?

150ul of butane lost as they pop is reasonable. so long as you’re not loading more than two at a time. I’m sure there are safer things to use than butane to figure this out…but you’re not gonna use them next time so you might as well get to learning what can go wrong.

use this as your guide on what pressures you’re achieving.

50C is about 75PSI
96C (as hot as that thing will go) is about 200PSI


I found that there was a spot where the diamonds started to grow extremely fast. It was in between day 6 and 10 when they really took off. I think that’s when i crossed over from the seed growth only zone to the seed proliferation zone. Thats when it really started to stack.

Edited for grammer.


What do u guys think about using a “airstone” to inject a small amount of nitrogen when ur on the cool down phase once ur in the saturation zone. Would that help bounce the diamonds upwards a bit and minimize the puck?
Or would it just be counterintuitive shooting all our settled thca across the jar?

You seen what @Waxplug1’s been up to? Whole miners of loosies. Just like @Diamondalchemy

I think the tech is in pursuing that, the airstone sounds unncessarily complicated


Avoiding the puck is simple. Just need to grow facets. They break apart with a little burp.



Bout time that popped up here :wink: lots of gems in there


Great share veggieeee…

Time to look at thermocyclers…!

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2 ovens and a fridge