Application of temperature cycling for crystal quality control during crystallization

im just looking for new legos maaaan

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i cant understand very well the colloquial neighborhood language.
can you explain to me what did you whant to say
english is not my native lenguaje
thanks :laughing: :sweat_smile:


He said good post👍


I doing a test with a really nice extract with etoh and then switch to Diethyl ether.
I pull out a little of the extract and doing 3 cycles of 90 c with stirring for nucleation and make my pre seeds.
Then i put the extract in a petri dish for more surface area and trow a litlle pice of my preseeds.
I make 15 on and 45 off with a home timmer in the hot plate at 65 Celcius. In one day all my preseeds are little crystals that start to growing. I think in 3 days is all crashed.

I start to change the temps and go to the limit of descarboxilations (90c for a seconds) and play a lot for fun and more knowlged, and now again is in the same cycle at same temp and still crashing.

I think if there is more energy(heat) and is more liquid the extract crystals can forms really fast and clean.


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Lmao. Top notch @cyclopath

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So in theory a non polar solvent tends to just hold onto whatever it dissolved first?

Pretty much. You just move it into the amorphous liquid matrix.

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So could this fact have implications for performance of LLE procedures?

I’m pretty sure it’s the reason it works. Anything with remotely polar interactions gets extracted into the polar phase and everything else gets squeezed out by the net negative interactions into the nonpolar one.


Any fires yet?


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Probably because you mentioned diethyl ether.

Just a guess.

:man_facepalming: really?

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Remember, she thinks everyone on this forum is incompetent.


I was more talking about how this might affect your choice in the order of operations. Like assuming your working with the same solute in both cases, dissolving extract into a non polar and then pulling from that with an alcohol would produce different results from pulling with non polar solvent from an extract dissolved into an alcohol.

So I dont know why i spend money buying a fume hood, maybe for use it for cooking the dinner.

@TurahTurah for your peace of mind,i says to you that always i have my Delicius Ether, Fresh! Dry and preventing/removing the peroxides. Hope i dont need you to tell how this is done.
I am not doing big batches, “nano batches” For Reserch and personal consume.

And .in a certain way you are right… i finish with fire.(hope the vídeo works)

Come ing back to post
After start grow crystals i heat at 90c for a seconds, and then cycling again and start to crash more like sugar.( If was i dont touch i think crystals in 3 days are done or less with the first cycle).
I think the key is heat cycling up.
And for ethanol extracts the same with vacumm.


Yes, key is the heat cycle. During the heat cycle you resaturate your solution and dissolve most of the independent crystals in solution (provided you’ve got enough solvent left to do so.)

The crystals that were too big to dissolve back into solution are gonna be the most desirable place for your THCa to attach itself to as you cycle the temp back.

Thus you have the effect of forcing growth on the more established crystals in your jar.

Also, as a consequence of surface area the smaller crystals will be the first to dissolve back into the mother liquor when you cycle the temperature up. So this process is dead simple. Hard to fuck up.

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It’s not like there is a greater affinity for ‘the first thing that dissolved it’. The point is there is in general no affinity at all between organics. Just less repulsion.