Apparently rosin is chemically extracted

Yep. Still there


Are you drunk? Or did you hit some TCHP?

I’m not sure why everyone finds your post to be so amazing. You seem like you’re being an asshole, but please, go ahead and say I’m a troll.

It appears when I confronted @moronnabis for being an asshole and cited you and Graywolf as examples of experts who are not assholes, I created a tear in the universe and brought us this Bizarro @photon_noir. That is one of my greatest regrets.

I hope we get the Photon we know back soon because Bizarro Photon seems manic and petty.

Bizarro Photon seems a bit dumber than our Photon, based on his bullshit @ to me in that insane mix of letters everyone loves. Where “most people thinking terps are harmless” ≠ what the people in this forum or I believe; “most people” in that context = customers. :roll_eyes:

In case Bizzaro Photon needs an example of @moronnabis’s occosial humble egocentric and whitty condescending/defensive posting style, see this interaction with the sadly gone too soon mitokid in this thread, starting at post #700: WNC THCP? How real could this be? - #700 by moronnabis

I apologize for including you with Graywolf as an example of experts who are great communicators while staying humble. I won’t make that mistake again, trust me.

We are all fallible, not least of all me. Those who realize that and don’t try to be a jerk are who I admire, and now I have one less person to admire at Future.

Regarding the Carl Sagan quote I posted, when I suggested moronnabis should consider adjusting his posting style, which you requoted. I will leave you with this quote from someone I didn’t know. Someone I only now learned of due to his recent passing, mitokid. I feel for his family and friends; their loss is terrible. And I wish I had had a chance to learn from him regarding chemistry and humanity while he was still with us. From my limited knowledge of him, he seems like the best of us and someone whose footsteps I should strive to follow.

I think Carl Sagan and mitokid would be right at home together because they seem like kindred spirits from the little I know of them. I hope they get to discuss science wherever we go when we leave this earthly plane:

I have my way of explaining things, for successful communication, the receiver also need to try their best. I try to adjust the level of description to suit the level of understanding that I gauge is being possessed by the receiver.

I am perfectly fine with how I presented things, but if you feel as if there still are something unanswered, please let me know.

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Like many of the threads which could be great, this one devolved unnecessarily.

I realize my confrontation with @moronnabis played a part. However, this thread was already past the inflection point of ‘staying on topic’ and a ‘majority of high-quality posts.’


I don’t see this as a waste of a thread at all. Someone that really values their reputation made a claim/hypothesis that has yet to be proven. Or maybe it was just a Bho maker suffering falling prices and market share throwing shade at the more demanded and higher priced product. It must suck to be in a fancy lab with a lab coat and lab glasses and the dude withThe trash can is eating your lunch


True, good point. I agree the thread has value and there are many informative posts. It’s just some of the extra stuff that brings it down.





I stand by this statement. :+1:


It’s gonna be a good one


I see you are upset, @Ralf, but I hope you can come to realize that my intent was quite the opposite. I saw the thread developing some bad blood near the part where I came in, probably around where you and others had tagged me. Therefore, since I like ALL of you, I wanted to inject some levity… I attempted this by writing a bit of “Roast” type humor. Since this is the internet, it requires troll behavior, I thought, and I went from there, trying to “reply” to several comments in a myriad of foolish ways I have seen said trolls respond.
For example, I began with what people might call trolling from myself, as “the smartass”, by mansplaining the original form of the word “inflammable”, conveniently bastardized to “flammable” by a couple of my comrades here.

~Caveat & Credits~
IN NO WAY DO THESE COMMENTS REFLECT MY FEELINGS REGARDING THE INDIVIDUALS TO WHOM I REPLIED. In many cases, these responses don’t even truly apply to the quotes they’re under! They are just jokes, folks!

“The Smartass” or “grammar nazi” (@Killa12345 & murphymurri )

A self-deprecating version of “misinterpreting a sentence” and “obsequious oversharing” (@murphymurri )

“Losing my point” and failing at vernacular (@standardoil )

“Agreeing with someone else to find that lost point” but still failing at vernacular (@ Cassin )

“Speelink RULZ” (@GummyChad )

“attempted spamming” with speelink failing vernacular (@SubstituteCreature )

“lol wut” because “wtf Dude” (my first reply to one of yours)

“The Pervert” with some fails (my second reply to one of yours, Ralf )

“No explanation, yet mocking?” (@qma )

“Sock puppet forgot the sock” (@TurahTurah , twice because two Turahs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

“High Horse” with some obvious signals to avoid offending (@ Ak_keith , whom I do not recognize, so I was more careful. Hi there, btw, Keith! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )

“Recursive Ridicule” (@Pupparoo )

“Fixed” (Yes, Ralf , I can see why you may think I singled you out, but this one is a direct signal of my sarcasm regarding this entire post. I used the italics rule you mentioned to make your rule sound sarcastic. Did it not work?)

“Alliterative Asshat” (@ TurahTurah , my inspiration :kissing_heart: @ terplord420 @ tweedledew @ TheVanillaGorilla @ TRIPPIE @ troy227 just to be inclusive—as T can be—and to have fun with word play!) EDIT: adding spaces because I suddenly cannot mention more than 10 people… quotes must circumvent that rule :thinking:

“Quoting out of context” @ several mentioned previously @IonStorm (who’s one other comment reminded me of myself when I had a similar net nickname :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It’s uncanny…) @ moveweight @ vortal @ Marmoris @ G_Boe , because j/k

Seriously, Ralf and anyone else in a sensitive place, I love you all and I meant no offense. :pray:
I, too, mourn the loss of Dr. Tom… He is my friend, and I miss him. :broken_heart:


The strong response to your roast is evidence of how unexpected trolling behavior would be from you. I thought you were hilarious! Keep being you, my friend.


I was beginning to feel left out and upset until I came across my name again. Thank you I appreciate the acknowledgment.:heart:

And for God’s sake please don’t use cap lock so much it hurts my ears when you scream.

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Theme for next GLG Meetup: The Roast of @Sidco_Cat


Hey hey hey now… you’re crossing the line right there buddy


I’m not wired for that. Even pretend shade makes me cold.


I’m such a simpleton that Photons shade goes right over my head. If it’s not a butthole or handjob joke, cannot compute.


Aiiight, you want a full anime villan explination, I gotchu.

Pressure is being applied in 2 directions in the TONS of force range, while simultaneously, heat is being applied in those same directions. Fluids like to move from places with high energy (heat) to low energy. Fluids typically cannot compress, so they flow, out their cuticles, out the bag, and out the parchment.




Pressure is being applied in 2 directions in the TONS of force range, while simultaneously, heat is being applied in those same directions. Fluids like to move from places with high energy (heat) to low energy. Fluids typically cannot compress, so they flow, out their cuticles, out the bag, and out the parchment.



You know I love me some good animeity, Mr. q’n’ma! :laughing:

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Your unsolcited, out-of-left field post was out of characater and seemed manic to me and others. (7)

I now understand your goal, but your execution needed work. And you didn’t accomplish your goal for everyone because it didn’t seem ‘all in good fun’ to me or the people who DM’d me about your post.

A roast, according to Wikipedia, is “a form of humor in which a specific individual, a guest of honor, is subjected to jokes at their expense, intended to amuse the event’s wider audience. Such events are intended to honor a specific individual in a unique way.”

So, while your goal may have been a “roast” type of humor, you began by focusing on me and continued to primarily focus on me (as you admit), without “intending honor.” In other words, you were not roasting but condescendingly trolling me specifically. In comparison, you were affable to others you addressed in your post.

Maybe next time you try this sort of “humor” and “levity,” you should add a content warning first. People who attend a roast know they’re doing so. No one starts roasting someone out of the blue because it would seem like they’re being a jerk. Or, stop, think, and don’t do it in the first place.

The issues with your post, some of @moronnabis’s posts throughout the forum, and other hyper-intelligent people on the Internet are the lack of intonation and nonverbal communication. We aren’t all sitting in a giant kumbaya circle or even on the same continent, and we don’t all speak the same native language. So, what you intended to convey as ‘humor’ may be understood by your readers other than you intended, often as an insult or disparagement. (10)

One thing you did succeed in is acting like a troll, which inflamed the thread and drove it right off an off-topic cliff. The response was counterproductive to your stated goal. As evidenced by the reaction of some members who supported your post (and the 25 so far who liked it):

I will add that it’s sad your first ‘roast’ post got 26 likes and many reactions, and your non-apology ‘explanation’ post got 20 likes and even more reactions. Yet, posts that add value to this site often go unrecognized or only get a couple of likes. There is a similar issue with the MoM awards, which often are more of a popularity contest than an actual award for quality content.

That’s not your fault, but it is due to the Cult of Photon (CoPTM). If you’re not aware, you have many fanboys and fangirls who, like the fans of Elon Musk, revel in anything you post regardless of the quality of its content. Like when Musk Tweeted, “population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming,” and his devotees had an orgasm in unison.

The unfortunate fact is the signal-to-noise ratio of this site is pretty low. And as someone who DM’d me about your ‘roast’ post claimed, “this website is now one of those places where meaningful conversation goes to die.” While another asserted, “Once upon a time the signal to noise here was phenomenal.”

I appreciate the attempted apology, but when you begin an apology by blaming and infactually belittling those you are apologizing to for being “in a sensitive place,” it’s a non-apology apology. That’s akin to saying, “I’m sorry that being so sensitive made you feel that way; I love you all, and I meant no offense.”

In summation:

I try to add more signal than noise to this forum, which is why most of my posts are like eating an exotic, filling dinner and being presented with a take-home menu. But occasionally and unfortunately, I, too, add noise even though I should know better.

Fallibility is a human trait. But our better angles should push us to recognize when we fail ourselves and others, allow us to apologize, and try harder next time.

And with that in mind, I want to apologize to @moronnabis for being so harsh. As a few people have stated, I was likely wrong about the intent behind his posts. And even if his intent was how it came across, I should not have expressed myself the way I did. That was wrong of me, and that’s not who I want to be. And while I know @moronnabis and I will probably never be on friendly terms, he deserves to be respected and treated with dignity, and in this case, I failed him. I am sorry, @moronnabis.

Likewise, I want to apologize to you, @Photon_Noir, for implying you were being an asshole. As someone wrote in DM, I may have misread your intention. I take you at your word when you said you “meant no offense.” I have no reason to believe that you, or @moronnabis, bode me (or others) ill will, condescension, or derision.

With that said, can we let this thread get back on topic or let it die? At this point, it is 100% noise and 0% signal. So, with this post, I attempted to adjust the signal-to-noise ratio, but now it’s up to everyone else to add signal rather than noise. Are you up to the challenge?
