Apothecary36 filter tek 2.0 LLE

Pour off the heptane and add fresh heptane if you’re concerned about cannabinoid loss!

What did the white end up being? Were u crashing isolate?

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If the reds are anthocyanins try using PVPP for a filter media, it does a good job grabbing some of those other pigments that most common CRC media might not grab.

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3 stage

single stage

cheaper pump


US $149.94 30%OFF | Household Kitchen Ultrafiltration Water Purifier With Tap Stainless Steel Direct Drink Tap Water Purifier Water Filter System


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Why do you keep drumming up this thread to post water purification systems for sale?


yeah, OP doesn’t even filter anymore :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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…and? (looks louche-ish)

maybe you haz lecithin methosomes?!?

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I’m gonna say autism and the need for saving other people money but I will stop it now that you’ve pointed out the inadvertent semi-spam-like post.

I am sorry :octopus:

You can flag it as spam if you want :roll_eyes:


What is the ratio of heptane to oil? I’ve tried 2:1 heptane to distillate but the the layers will not seperatw