I want to sell/gift uncut cbd isolate in cartridges, I’ve told customers to warm it up with a hair dryer or car heater before hitting it, since it crystallizes non stop. That works for 50% of the customers, the others dont like the extra work/hassle it takes to prep the cbd cart.
I don’t want to cut my carts like everyone else, and want to be able to advertise the purest cbd cart I can.
So heres my question.
Does anyone know of a “palm” style battery that incases the cartridge and actually warms the sides of the cartridge instead of just firing the atomizer?
I want to use the all glass carts that I’m seeing pop up. I think it would make for an exceptional cbd vaping experience, if we can get pure cbd vaping through our carts.
Yeah definitly, but I’m looking for a sleek reusable product, I could probably make a heat cylinder wrap powered by a 9v battery, but it wont look too cool lol
Shirley over there is pretty badass actually. She’s our rep… Super cool chick, but communication can be tough at times, as their English isn’t great and my Mandarin is non-existent lol. Sales05@hempoil-vape.com is her e-mail. Just tell her Zach referred you. She’ll get ya some samples if you pay for shipping.
ah yeah i get you yeah that would be pretty sweet and pretty simple i imagine yeah ive yet to see something like that on the market …so your making cbd carts? how are those tasting? im new to cbd have to lay down the thc for a while
The yocan uni mod has a 10 second cart warming feature. I actually made some carts that were a little on the thick side, and the warming feature has proved useful. Although this is just heating lightly with the coil as opposed to heating the actual tank as you’ve described.
Dude we don’t even use those things lol.
We got some all glass samples from a different supplier (Convectium ) and almost left BBTank to use those. Instead, BBTank decided to engineer their own… We honestly didn’t like how it came out (especially the ugly metal part on the bottom). So we never picked them up… But since then they have been pushing those hard.
We like their BLC Mini a lot better… Reminds me of a CCell but has adjsutable airflow.
Edit: We do not sell carts either, but you are more than welcome to the e-mail address I posted up a little bit. ^^ Shirley is a badass, she’ll take care of ya
They make batteries with a warm function. They put a low wattage through the coil for about 30 seconds to preheat the glass. why not just go that route.