Anyone have experience mixing isomerization Media?

Hey everyone, long-time lurker finally made an account. Saving up for my GLG membership now! FULLY EXPECT A SPOON OR THREAD REDIRECTING

My question is, has anyone had success mixing different clays?

My context is- we have been using winterized 1st pass disty–>18hr evap’d T41 @140C in drying oven–>12hr reflux-hot condenser tek–>mantle temp caps at 193C, and while being aware that input quality=output quality. We’re still struggling to get more than 60%D8, with upwards to 35% being unknowns (CBC/D10).

My thought here is, we really like the hue that T41 is giving us, sans azulene and blue fractions of course. However, we need to get that conversion percentage higher…

so, has anyone tried 3% T5, 4% T41? or even further, doing a 2nd pass isomerization run with clay, then utilizing AC at 5-10% for a third pass? Or further, mixing 5% AC, 3%T5 AND 3/4% T41?
edit- I am aware PH will be affected by mixing media, PH testing and in house HPLC is available.
here comes the spoons XD thanks everyone

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I think you need to do a little more in depth reading on conversions.

heres the best link i can give, adjust the words in the search for even more spoons.


The clay is not the way.
Use the search bar u must…
this is the way.


Thanks for your time bud!


Understood captain, this is the way…budgeting has us restricted on available equipment for the time being. Really NOT trying to just “puts the clay in the BF and run”, but am trying to turn to boof material into something sellable until daddy warbucks gets me proper equipment…
in all sincerity thanks for your time


There’s actually a way to do it with something similar to clay

I’m working on something that’ll change isomerizations and the way there ran

Imagine just passing your crude over a media and it makes d8


The typical acidic clay catalysts are not specific enough for producing concentrated d8. This 4:1 d8:d10 you may be getting is a normal result. You may get d8 as high as 74% at maximum


I guess you are deaing with some resins… :thinking:


Ah hah! So Bron./L-acids really are the only way to guarantee acidic concentration being dispersed uniformly? Well…time and money is the only issue there. Understood and thank you very much for your words and time Doc!

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This is fascinating, will definitely want to buy your spoon if/when the time should arise. You’re blowing my mind sir, you definitely got me thinking of ion exchange resins like acidic TiO2! But you are on a whole 'nother level to my “cook” status…XD
Thank you for your time man, and seriously would like to discuss this in the future should you be willing!

Don’t buy his spoons from @Kingofthekush420

He doesn’t actually do any of the stuff he talks about, the guy just chats with people and keyboard warriors about like a fool, making absurd claims of R&D and collaboration when in reality he just sent someone a vague DM on the subject.

There is a large range of catalyst acids bound to styrene based polymers that make isomerizations a much more straightforward process, you can give the guys at purolite a call and have a REAL chemist and a sales rep chat with you about your specific needs for free, another comparable product line is Amberlyst, though I haven’t used them before.


This is the way.


I don’t think that this is a matter of uniform dispersion of acidic sites. Rather about uniform acidity/shape of the active sites and/or ease to control it. There are much other “simpler” acids wich are not that specific neither.


Actually we do ion exchange too as it’s part of the wine industry

Here’s an acid removal ion exchange skid that circulates water through a media to remove the acidity from the ethanol ( they use a membrane that only let’s the water through and they strip the acid from there)

Youre a tool saying I don’t know what I’m doing

Here’s a picture of the skid

There are cheaper and better catalysts than t41. Shouldnt need much additional equipment. And that equipment will be paid for with your catalyst savings pretty quickly. Read around the info is here.


You say “we”

I don’t think that word means, what you think it means.

Kingofthemisrepresenting420 at it again

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You forget I’m partnered with Joel

I have a hard time believing that you’re “partnered” with any company that you won’t cite the name of

Anyone who wants to call up the owner of
Can check and see if they’re actually calling themselves a “partner” of KingKush?

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Bahahaja except I uploaded his name and phone number and website address in another thread xD

Keep trying BBR

That moment when you realize joel is about to build me the biggest skid I can fit on 400 amps 3 phase…

Just for reference :slight_smile: