Any thoughts on Jeeter and Baby Jeeter flavored prerolls?

Gum Arabic is used in normal prerolls. Could also be an adhesive made with sugars but it is absolutely kief glued to paper. Your case isn’t much more compelling that me saying I think that is what it is though haha.


“safe to smoke” I want to determine the real scientific effort that goes into that rigorous qualification because saying anything is “safe to smoke” is utter dog shit. Nothing is universally safe to smoke and everything is in the dosage. I will smoke a preroll which uses a small amount of adhesive to stay closed. I sure as hell wouldn’t smoke a joint completely covered in mystery adhesive that’s for damn sure.


@Dukejohnson for July Member Of the Month! A candidate statement I can stand behind :100:


HACCP plan for this or maybe a toxicity study?

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Listing used ingredients is a great start lol


Is anything TRULY “safe” to smoke?..

Edit: should have read more than the first sentence of your comment. Haha


When you don’t know the differences of the products your selling, 100000000000% gonna be a skeptic. Why would talking to me in person be any different. Yall seem to let your egos get in the way, A Debate is not a argument but cheers I didn’t expect you to ellaborate after how clearly you did so earlier.

Some of the terps are carried with PG actually, cause as stated they sell to nicotine vape companies and they 1000000% dont have mct oil in there terps your just flat out lying anyone feel fre to go to their website and look the ingrediants/tests are there. Most test @ 99.xx% so if thats cut with myrcene to keep prices low than continue with your propaganda. HItler would be proud.

They have MSDS of all there products i encourage everyone to look it up and determine whats true for yourself… DO you have MSDS for your terps? @qma

I would never work for a terp company/sell them(unless cannabis derived.) The pricing of terps didnt tank so hard cause supply recently became scarce or demand was that drastic. It happened cause yall got caught canna taxing cheap shit and people caught on. Everyone here knows i work in SO cal affilate with a microbuisness in LA/have a brand here. Why would i drive 500 miles to go be an employee there?

Retracted cause i made a foolish mistake :joy:


Can you explain why this SDS from perfumers apprentice for this terpene doesn’t have any MCT oil/myrcene in it as you claim?

funny you said you spoke to a woman and her son who didnt know @ what ratios to dilute, but as stated i started making nicotine vape pens since 2013. Would’nt they/i have had an answer if so when you called and asked how much to dilute a pen? If i worked for them as you claim? Naw that makes to much sense, just continue with the propaganda

First of all, they did in fact have mct in their terps in 2018.

Second of all, I sell a completely different product than tfa. My terps cost exactly the same today as they did in 2019. When tfa does hemp terps, we’ll see how they price them.

I’m 100% sure your end users will be able to tell the difference between tfa and any other terpene company. Their blends are ass, and have been since they started.

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:yawning_face: :yawning_face: naw never did, that shit was long banned in vapes/the “organic” regulations that shut me down a few years before your speaking of. Why the vape industry went from a mass amount of producers to select few.

Doesnt matter if your terps are derived from different places you def selll/compete with them. Hemp terps suck either way anyone whos smoked live resin/real dabs knows this.

:joy: :rofl: :rofl: 100% sure they all would? more false statistics and propaganda coming from your ass.

I find there non canna blends phenomenal(did not try their canna line), so did everyone who smoked my vape pens before vapegate problems.

imagine claiming 100% of end users will be able to differentiate terps when most consumers cant tell quality of product and ask for highest thc percentage vs scoping it like most used to. I think you havent been in touch with retail since legalization it appears, or maybe your states not there yet. I got to persoanlly experiment with every terp company and as a microbuisness that was operating early within the 6 month grace period of no testing after legalization trust me when i say i have THOUSANDS of more testimonials/peoples preferences than whatever your claiming.

I find it super suspicious how you are saying one company makes better terps than everyone else yet you have yet to try their terps.

Tell that to the flavored herb

I really don’t trust your oppinion of flavor because you see the flavored herb as an equal to floraplex and abstrax, much less actual hemp terps. You learn the difference the first blend. How micro is your business?

Im exaggerating, but my bone to pick with tfa has to do with their terp line. You havent even tried their shitty terps. You have absolutely no clue about what Im refering to.

You are trying to compare fucking vape juice flavors in cannabis vapes to terps. Your argument is in such bad faith. People stopped buying our flavor concentrate pens in 2019

Read your own words

They dont have a cannabis line. They have a shitty terp line. They dont directly compete with me because I dont offer botanicals.

Im still in shock that you are comparing the terpene industry with the vape flavoring industry. There is absolutely NO comparison there, as most of those flavors are made in a lab. Im glad thousands of people liked your vape flavors, but that shit died out in 2019 with evali. I bet your business did too

@Fyourmisinformation has one thing correct. All hemp terps suck and do not compare to real HTE. Most who claim that hemp terps are good sell them LOL. Now I have tried @AshevilleExtracts HTE derived from hemp but refined pickle juice terps are not in the same league as his hemp HTE. One is refined garbage and one is extracted the correct way.


Hemp terps can’t compare to hte, but when you use those same hemp terps in a blend with botanicals, you have a full and flavorful blend that is consistent. You can repeat that same flavor in hundreds of batches. With hte, you can have huge variations of volatiles that require skilled labor to keep consistent.

Another point of note hte isn’t federally compliant. So when a henp brand wants their vapes to taste like actual cannabis, the botanicals and vape flavors don’t cut it. Tfa’s skunkify doesn’t cut it (it just taste like grapefruit). Hemp terps alone don’t cut it, because they miss variety

Hemp terps perfectly fit the requirements when used as an additive to botanicals. You get a stable product that tastes like vaping most concentrates.

There are also places where using flavor concentrates works too. But you have to do massive amounts of r&d to find winners that stay dissolved without separating. Using vape juice to test doesn’t work because your cannabanoid base has a bitter taste while pg and vg is sweet. It takes weeks to months after mixing to see if your flavors drop out of suspension. Sometimes after steeping these flavors sour up. I don’t get why @Fyourmisinformation is so focused on tfa, when there are companies like Inawera
and Cappelas with more realistic flavors that suspend better. I’m assuming that he likes them for their variety.


Never said they made better terps anywhere quote it @qma

Said they had em cheaper.

Uhhh when did i state that? again quote it since you are putting words in my mouth, quote that shit mr fuckery. That is one of their Affiliates not the same company, it says it on there site when you get linked to any of their stuff. More propaganda that anyone can click 2 links to and discover your LYING AGAIN.

Yes i didnt try their canna directed terp line, but i for sure have bought from TFA so me not getting every single terpene/product a company has means i have not tried it yet? Dear god id say you are so full of shit but you are appearing to be the shit people are full of.

We’ve bought out 2 shops on the same street all turned into grows with no investors just the same mofos that been running the pre ico since 2005 and my mfg/producing ass since 2017. We sell out all our flowers even after increasing our grow SQ ft 3x from 2018-2020. Even than we still have 2 more buildings in the process were literally about to own a block in the most populous area of van nuys(we have more plans with a social lounge and such/canna tours blah blah blah) We also have the rights to open 2 more storefronts as we were a pre ico/micro(make fun of micros vertical integration is amazing you get to profit on 2 ends.) We havnt gone that route yet cause we cant even supply 1 store after 4 years :joy: :joy: Tell me more people in cali doing the same i guarantee you wont find many.

Also had 2 pre ico’s within a mile close down from us cause we ate all the taxes for the first 2 years. It really sucked dick but taking out 2 competitors to not profit for a couple years with how restrictive they are on retail is pretty nice to me. Lets be real your only real market are custies who dont know better keep it up hf. enjoy your passive income while it lasts, you know that scale aint going to succeed in this race to the bottom industry

I had a peanut butter flavor from them in like 2013-14? just cause i mentioned one other company that doesnt exclusively sell BLENDS aka cappella doesn’t mean i havnt tried them. Just goes to show how ill educated you are on these companies because cappella HAS NEVER SOLD PURELY TERPENES ONLY BLENDS.

All of capellas blends have PG in them as carriers btw, wouldnt use it in a canna line if you paid me.

anyone who fucked with nicotine vapes before regulations kicked in knew the companies you’re trying to pretend idk, They were the only real big players and were mentioned on many forums by all of us trying to figure out/share our own mixes/blends,

You just said you use tfa and not tfh. Tfa’s terpene line is the flavored herb. It is a cut rate terpene company that doesn’t even stack up to true terps, much less terp companies like abstrax or mass terps

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You really don’t know my market. But you will soon, as the brands using my hemp terps have built enough momentum to carry them from the hemp market into YOUR market.

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You think you can sell hemp products in a track and trace system thats banned hemp products? SMH my head lol they cant legally enter my market so sure continue on with your nonsense.

Good job avoiding all those claims you stated i made and not quoting them. Continue on with your bs/propaganda xD.

We see 700 customers a day and make more than double the margins everyone else does, and only 130 locations in the state can do the same(considering there were 2 in our vicinity that closed im sure that number is much smaller than the last statistics i checked a year plus ago) Im not worried but keep thinking otherwise :+1:

Your problem is you assume you know what others are doing. When you have capital you can enter the weak ass California adult use market and take over cause you don’t even have to make a profit. You’ll see soon enough.

First you said their terps were cheaper, and the same quality. Then you said they were better because they have msds. Then you said you havent tried their terps, but their flavoring. Then you said you havent tried their flavoring. Either you don’t know how to communicate, or your entire argument is in bad faith.

They used to be the same company dumbass. Doesn’t change the low quality of their terp blends or the fact that cheap suppliers like yourself use their low quality terps.