Any Luck with Alibaba Gummy Equipment?

I dont measure brix my recipe doesn’t require it, mine is temperature based and I dont use alot of water only enough to dissolve the pectin

Yes the more efficent the burner the faster itll cook. I cook 3k pieces at a time and theyre about 3.2 grams each

Youre using pectin correct?

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Yes using pectin HM100

Youre good then. How much water do you use in your recipe?

It’s about 26% water so quite a bit which is why we end up cooking it so long

Yea thats a ton. How many grams of the mixed pectin are you using and how many ml of water? Im doing closer to 15% i believe

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Ive had good luck with these not sure if cheaper than saintyco but they also have a similar demolder. Just make sure you get the measurements of demolder before order molds so they match.


40g of pectin in 265ml water

DM me :grinning:

What mixer setup is this?

Hello I can’t seem to message you. Can you please DM me the pot stirrer that you are using here?

Looking like this:

With this:


Everything comes from China these days, buy 100 u can have it own logo on it :), I bought a packing machine from baba and it was badass, but … the issue is when something breaks and them making good on warranty, I had a -80 chiller that was under warranty but didn’t make good on the 2 grand service, but I do have a credit for next purchase on new chiller,