Anhydrous ZnCl2 cbd isomerization

About this process:
CBD can be converted into delta-9-THC with anhydrous ZnCl2 at 150° without solvent (perform reaction best in vacuum as product is sensitive to oxidation):
Heat 0.5g CBD with 0.09g anhydrous ZnCl2 under vacuum with stirring.
After 2 hours 40 to 50% delta-9-THC have formed.

They are in its beginning two solids in powder form…
I understand that at 150 degrees cbd is in a liquid form… so stirring makes more sense?
What tools or materials would you use for make the vacuum?
How important this is?
In the other side, cbd start to evaporate at 160…
So would you use a reflux column for preventing evaporation and let the temperature oscillate a bit or in other case, how would you keep it at constant 150?
It says that after 2 hours 40% has been converted into d9 thc, if we let it longer, lets say 12 hours will the 100% been converted?
May be doing the 5% KOH in ethanol cbd test from time to time until giving negative result?
And finally, how would you separate both substances with out SPD?
Thank you!!!

if d9 is your goal no air allowed
And spd will not seperate thc from. Cbd
You only have 1/2 a sop
I recomend buying the other half
@Kingofthekush420 is your. Best bet



Will this remove all the oxigen?

And heat it with a heat mantle at 150?



Lol :sweat_smile:


Is this a troll thread


Zncl is pretty nasty stuff; I burned the fuck outa my arm with it; i was removing some from a barrel breaking up the solid chunk at the bottom; and i forgot to tape the seam of my gloves to my chemical suit; some powder ended up in my glove seam and I didn’t realize until it started burning.

What’s fucked about zncl is that its hydroscopic; meaning it regularly pulls atmospheric water into in; when in this solution of atmospheric water; its pH drops to around 1; and will burn the fuck outa you if your not quick to wash it off and neutralize.

Here’s a tip; whenever working with strong acids make sure you have a neutralizer prepared; some salt, sodium bicarbonate and distilled water in a squirt bottle works well; after washing off any affected areas; spray yourself with some neutralizer and flush with water again.

As far as the method; this will only get you part way there; there is a ton missing from this;


OP use zinc bromide and heptane to run this process.

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Op is ill prepared for this reaction
Hope we can warn him enough
Advice in a positive way :fist_left:


So now what ??
We let people trail and error this reaction and hope all their failures don t hit the market
Say A but leave the B out
Heptane can be substituted by lower boiling point solvents

Rogue, would a dry nitrogen sparge be a substitute for vacuum?

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Sparge of what ?
Your solvents should be dry either by molsieves or nitro sparging

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moisture free (dry) nitrogen.

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I get you want to pull vacuum instead of sparging but what is it you want to pull a vac on ?

Instead of placing a vacuum on the reaction to prevent moisture addition, I was wondering if you could instead place a nitrogen sparge or blanket on top as a means of moisture exclusion and O2 exclusion.

O you should place a nitrogen. Blanket
No vacuum for this reaction
Only if you do this reaction under pressure a vacuum must be pulled on the pressure vessel (cls)


I was told that nitrogen promotes D8 while argon promotes D9 but I’m not much good with this sort of stuff and likely spreading bad info


How to remove moisture from small scale reactions

Put glassware in oven overnight

Remove glassware and place into desiccator ASAP

Leave glassware to cool in dessicator

Remove and place septa onto glassware and pull vac

Add nitrogen, purge with vac, repeat 3x


add septa onto solvent container

Put needle in and a needle out

Push nitrogen or argon through

Go through a few freeze pump thaw cycles

Remove needles

Use air sensitive techniques to move solvent to desired container


Hmm intersting
Argon is noble so it doesn t react with shit
Nitrogen isn t and a little humidity doesn t affect the D8 reaction