All my stuff, solvents, equipment, tools for free, SoCal

Solarnos asked me back channel why the handle SkyHighLer? First time anyone asked.

My next door neighbors back in Jr. and Sr. High School, Ray and Ron Bobby were close friends with Butch Patrick (Ron who’s partially deaf, would refer to him as The Munster,) through them I became close friends with Butch (Patrick Alan Lilley.)

I scored my first lid of weed through a friend of Ray, and got all three into drugs, mostly psychedelics. Ray recently passed, here’s a picture I came across at FaceBook Butch posted up.

They would call me by a bold somewhat skewed pronunciation of my last name, Schuyler with a heavy accent on the first syllable, Skyyy ler. A comment from Ron, might be, “Schuyler, LSDying again.”

Here’s Butch’s post at FB,

Yes, Butch Patrick was a stoner, heavy stoner, I could write a book.