we did a side by side with the 2 free gallons of AGT50 i got and couldnt tell the difference over other products or no fulvic at all, but its cheapish. We use really good living soil so we dont need to throw the kitchen sink at the grow to get good results.
Its not a game changer or anything like adding co2 or doing proper soil tests and mixing when it comes to yield or quality but its not burning anything either.
If you are a person that loves fiddling with your feed schedule and grow go for it, If you like the way things are now in your grow this wont change anything in my opinion. Placebo
Eh I disagree I run it in my recirculating system instead of hypochlorous acid which I do at work and I can without question smell and taste the difference when using agt-50.
Your set up could already be covering all the basis so agt doesn’t have the same noticed affect the rest of us are able to see.
We are B2B, not retail and are in plenty of large facilities. I always give your opinion the attention it deserves.
If any cultivation facility wants to do a side-by-side with any custom or premium nutrient line, you will see the difference with our fulvic, amino and organic acids. Just DM me for no-charge samples.
Ok Chad. We have all seen your shitty weed. Your the one that tried to say hps/mg was better than LED, and then when you posted a picture your garbage LEDs were at like HPS height no where in the picture. Learn to grow before your critique a product.
I’ve seen hella jelly get some massive nugs man. Outdoors, from seed though. Not sure if there may be a cut going around that doesn’t fatten up as much.
The quicker phenos tend to give smaller fruit with hella jelly. But the flower time is like 50 days or a few less, so for running hash it’s actually one of my favorite strains. Makes some really fucking killer extract.
Customer picture time! The big one is about 8" for scale. Psilocybe natalensis grain cakes and cased with coco all amended with AGT-50 Fulvic Mineral Complex.
As far as continuing education, I just enrolled in the University of Florida Nutrient Management program. AgTonik started with roots in cannabis, aquaponics and livestock. Now we are hoping to expand to all aspects of the greenhouse. I love this industry!
The secret to fulvic, amino and organic acids is to watch the tips of the fan leaves. They should lighten up with the nutrient chelation.
If they start to get a little crispy, reduce your fulvic application by 25% or 10-15% calcium nitrate. It will still pump up the yield and terpene content, even with if there is slight over-application at some point.