Montel chats with Jessica Kent on this episode of Let’s Be Blunt. Jessica is a prison reform, addiction and recovery advocate. She is a recovering addict who has been sober for over 9 years! She served time in New York and Arkansas penitentiaries and stepped out of prison for the last time in 2013. Jessica has become a full-time YouTuber with 445k subscribers, and she received her bachelor’s degree in correctional program support services. She uses her platform to help people better understand addiction and the US prison system. She recently revealed on her YouTube Channel that she uses medical marijuana to manage her insomnia, depression, anxiety, and PTSD and has received overwhelming support from her audience.
What a great role model for people in recovery.
I’m glad that marijuana is now being seen as a tool to help with opiate withdrawal and as an alternative medication to more addiction prone substances like those used to treat anxiety.
It’s come a long way from the “gateway drug@ stigma
Thanks for the share
I love this!
It can also be used as an alternative to alot of the psychotropics that places like the VA prescribe with wanton abandon. The only medication that I’m not able to directly replace with cannabis is my blood pressure medication, and it’s more because high blood pressure runs in my family.
Cannabis helped free my wife from tramadol. Shackles that were prescribed to her before it was controlled. They said it was safe, non-narcotic and non-addictive. Once tramadol became a controlled substance she had to submit to drug testing to get her rx. After testing positive for weed they cut her off. I bought pills for three years from China and India before the compassionate care act passed. Then it was a matter of $$$$. Cost a few thousand bucks worth of tincture to quit the trams. Thank you weed for giving my wife and my daughters mother back to our family.
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