A Case for the Legalization and Use of Drugs

I could go on at length about the negative consequences of an alcoholic existence. I haven’t drank in over a year, but detoxing after my last binge scared me the most. Like FULL BLOWN hallucinations, like shit I thought that had happened but had never happened. I had my lung fill up with fluid because I could only lay on my right side because of the wicked vertigo, so my nasal drippings went right down into my lung. (Once I realized, I was able to catch it, BUT I will never detox off of alcohol at home again!)
Also, it’s generally the seizures that kill you during alcohol withdrawals. My cousin died that way, as well as more than 1 acquaintance.


Here is what I’m referencing from memory. Episode 469, from 2014.

Which means i listened to this episode while grooming in a snow cat. I miss those long nights pushing snow all around a mountain listening to podcasts and snowboarding all day.

Time 1 hour 24 minutes.


Its not the seizure per say…yes that contributes greatly…seizure pts use up their glucose in their brain…causing brain issues…seizure pts also have a bit of muscle contraction that look like patients having DTs…what kills the DT/ETOH withdrawal pt is KIDNEY failure… every muscle in their body is twitching/moving/fighting…constant workout…leads to muscle breakdown…leads to increased myoglobin (very large particals)…leads to kidney failure… :skull_and_crossbones:

Been there done that hundreds of times

Edti…this is how a poorly planed diet can kill you to…


Ughhh sounds terrible. Thanks for your selfless work, I’m not cut out to be in the medical field.


Thanks man… I keep telling my Mother in law of 5 kids… " Iv wipped more ass than you in my lifetime" she rolls her eyes… unfortunately that is true.

The craziest drug experience (in the hospital) I have experienced…was a PCP pt…MF broke out of double wrist restraints…we had 5 cops at bedside…we gave the guy muscle PARALYSIS drug…Vecuronium…finally got double cuffs on the guy…and this happened in the ICU…after he went through the ER (fuckers).
But by far, ETOH is the worst of the worst.


Those are the kinda stories that leave me in amazement of the human body strength and it bums me out we cant tap into that strength unless taking pcp :laughing:


That’s definitely not the only way to tap into that. One need nothing more than their mind.


Correct. My point is that designer drugs are rarely used by POC by choice. The most common instance is Flakka, which I’m sure given the choice they would have chosen something different.

I’m willing to agree that the sentiments of the drug war may have been initiated by their want to persecute POC and hippies. However, I’m quite sure their blanketing illegality of any drug they don’t deem productive was not aligned with that sentiment.

They learned a lot doing all those MK Ultra experiments. There are reasons they don’t want these drugs readily available to the masses.


Speak for yourself :wink: I’ve tapped into some pretty powerful disassociative states outside of drug assemblage points. Just breathing, instinct, and adrenaline have made somewhat supernatural experiences for me, to say nothing of brainwave entrainment or sungazing.

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This is a result of the 13th amendment enshrining slavery for all people, instead of redefining all people, as people.

Haha I’d love to be able to! Are you talking about meditation?

More life experience. Stories that are unbelievable unless you experienced em (had to be there), plus I’m a raised-in-the-deep-south throwback that has simply just seen some shit. I’m sure you get the ‘had to be there’ element behind some things; some are stranger than fiction, and others are simply incredible, when related.

Daily construction work in tropical conditions will expand alternate states of consciousness. Doing it on various drugs and levels of alcohol intoxication will expand a fertile mind.

Constant pain and pushing through the same is the blue collar equivalent of enlightenment, and if you bring curiosity and openness, there’s much to be gained from exceeding personal limits, physical, mental, and spiritual.

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That is to say, when I was painting water tanks, one of the best men on the job was a 5’ 2" fella who would pick a fight with the biggest man in the bar, and, who I later found out constantly kept a .15 or higher BAL (because I saw him get pulled over and blow .2 something after 2 beers :rofl:). He was a true throwback, and could effect a Donkey Kong Jr down a staging board cable and a taut safety line.

I think my point is that real anomalies spring from places and people where records aren’t necessarily monitored.