A Case for the Legalization and Use of Drugs

This guy is smarter and better educated than I am, and while I’m definitely not doing heroin any time soon, it’s no longer because I think the drug will control me.

He’s a tenured professor at Columbia and has a PhD in neuroscience

Strongly recommend the linked podcast, will report back in on his latest book which I’m now listening to


Got as far as realizing he is a tenured professor who argues they criminal justice system is about “white supremecy” before I realized this man is likely an idiot.

That being said I agree with legalization and control of drugs.


One of my favorite podcast guests hes had!

I think he was the one that taught me you dont die of alcohol “poisoning” instead its a physical withdraw from the alcohol that can kill you.

Edit: for clarity.

I should have clarified context a little better and I just reread my post and it does sounds pretty stupid.

You can absolutely overdose from alcohol poising and die.

What I was referring to is how long term heavy use alcoholics can die from withdrawals if they suddenly stop and it’s sometimes mistaken as an overdose death.


So you question one thing a person says and thus declare them an idiot?

By that logic, I wonder how many people now declare you an idiot.


What? Acute intoxication of ethanol can be directly fatal by depressing cns function

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A neuroscientist should know better than to blame all issues on a boogyman like “white supremacy”

That is conflating political pandering for science


In the podcast he specifically talks about alcohol being a contributor to heroin deaths, due to both of their influences on CNS.

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Again, you heard him say one thing and now assume he


Also, our criminal justice system isn’t based on white supremacy, but it 100% is the boot of minority oppression for profit.


“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” Ehrlichman told journalist Dan Baum in 1994. “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or blacks, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.”

the drug war is a direct result of this sentiment…


I see this argument a lot but it doesn’t explain the analogue act and the intense scrutiny on steroid drugs.

I don’t know, to one end I encourage everyone’s right to make bad choices, on the other hand I understand why letting people easily make bad decisions is a burden on society.


The analogue act was only a reaction to people attempting to evade the original scheduling through designer drugs afaik



So, they did it to surpress political groups they didn’t like
That’s not racism

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doesn’t have to be black and white like that…

People can dislike hippies, they’re also perfectly capable of being racist as well


Maybe you should reread that quote. The war on drugs was and is still used to target people of color.


Considering “black people” collectively as enemies isn’t racism? What is, then?


In historical context, you had two main communist militant groups, found in the black community and the hippies.

Specifically I am referring to the Black Panther Party and the Weather Underground, for those who don’t understand the historical context

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What’s your definition of racism.

Yup, and the war on drugs was definitely narrowly applied to combat those groups!

I mean wow i never thought i would have heard “thr war on drugs was good because it fought communists” on this forum. I guess i really don’t know the place.