8 inch Columns with Socks?

Anyone running 8 inch columns with socks? When I stopped extracting a few years ago, 6 inch was the norm max and socks weren’t even a thing.

What solvent ratios are everyone running nowadays?

Also, how much material per foot can you fit in an 8 inch sock?

8s gr8 safety is the concern :sweat_smile:

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Yes, the precision X40 comes with 8" material columns. We are fitting ~2500-3000g dried milled bud in 32" of length or so.

20# of FF and ~15# of dry in a 8X26" sock (actual sock is 8x36").


damn… you are stuffing those things full!

Having a biomass packer definitely helps with density. We also break them up a bit before sliding them into the column because it makes it easier to do. They have to be 26" or under to fit in the chest freezer while they’re stored, but they end up being closer to 30" after we bust them up a little bit just prior to extraction.


Are you sure that’s the size of the bags? I sleuthed around your post history and found this:

We have an 8" on our Luna. We use material socks for biomass. They’re 8x60 but we only use 48" to leave room for the float sensor in the material column.

We fit 15# dry or 20# FF in the socks using their packer. Yields are on par with our old trap extractors. Something to consider is if your system is flood up or down. The Luna is flood up like the old GW/Skunkpharm terpenator clones we used.

Just wanted to confirm whether I should be looking into a biomass packer or not! Thanks

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Yes, I recently had to measure my deep freezers and confirmed they were ~26" deep.

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Theres something about punching “8 inch sock” into google… Can’t place my finger on it. Thx for the replies, I’ll be back with some equipment porn shortly.

I know the x40 from precision i thought there material rack were 8x24 with asme clamps I could be wrong

X40 is 8x36 material column
4 of them for 100 pounds of solvent. Would love to roast whoever made that decision!


@Dukejohnson Every one of their systems I have ever seen had a solvent tank about half the size it should be :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


U got that right bahahahah . Almost need like two of them,
Literally I found it to be efficient with it current set up running a single material column

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Do the 8inch columns neck down to 6 for the rings? I was under the impression that diameters over 6 inches required much more significant clamps and resulltant costs/complexities…

how would you get an 8" material bag in if it necked down to 6"?


8" requires an ASME clamp AFAIK, that’s the only difference. You only need one end to be 8" though, the other end can be 4, 6" (with LJ Star clamps), or whatever.

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That’s why I asked…

Hoping some more people can chime in with how much fits in their socks. 2.5-6.9 lb/ft is quite the range.

How hard are you packing the socks?

Curious how the biomass packer works with socks. Could you post a video?