6 year old with cancer

Survival rate is 20 %
Friend of mine not an aquiantance
A friend gave his child thc
For a terminal disease
His other 2 children have been taken away by government and the patience has passed away hé s been fighting in court for 17 months now to get the 2 living children back
You tell me what to choose


These are from the study which was in the video I posted earlier.

T98G is a cancer line that is derived from a human glioblastoma multiforma tumor. T98G - Wikipedia

U87* is a human primary glioblastoma that is commonly used in brain cancer.

These are the two I highlighted from this study which would be good comparisons. I would suggest getting the most detailed diagnosis directly from a practicing doctor. Genomics is becoming very good at tracking individual changes. If it is possible to get a genomic assay of the tumor that would be an important starting point for a correct treatment. Having a regular genetic assay even if it not the tumor is also a good idea to see other factors like the implication of cancer as well as metabolic information which would help set up a correct dose.



dont tell the damn dr then if the drs arent even hopeful the kid will live. They sent my grandpa home and he just shot himself in the head instead of dealing with the pain of brain cancer. If a kid has terminal cancer i doubt liver enzmes are gonna be his issue.

in those studies it was all oral cannabis hitting the liver hard right? I havent eaten a gummie in prolly a year- it fucks me up.

Oh my. Am I on the correct forum?

If you don’t have access to THC, you need to utilize CBG.

Start reading…

Check out: https://cannakids.org/