5lb closed loop (Maine)

That a bleeding head wound won’t stop me from my love of guns and mushrooms?


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It’s just a flash wound Walk It off


It was fucking HILARIOUS! And actually I kinda did walk it off. It was 5000% my own stupidity - the scope kissed my forehead hard enough you could see my skull for about 10 mins before it started gushing blood!

Then we did the ol` Maine first aid remedy and downed some PBR tallboys and went right back to it!


I don’t know… I kind of like it. It’s like rolling into battle and burning the boats… win or die. Some would look at it as a firm resolve and a tenacity that creates pressure to succeed.

In my youth I was much like that… sometimes to my own demise

I have had multiple ups and downs in my life and the downs were always found at rock phucking bottom because that’s how I rolled… make it or die trying.

Now approaching 70 and living on the short end of the yard stick I live at a slower and more patient life. I have learned about my limitations and my mortality.

By the OP’s words I would assume youth is part of the equation and it is sad to see throwing in the towel is the chosen option. Especially when people here were so willing to step up. That is why I said that maybe the idea of looking for a job was probably a really good idea… with the “I can’t do it, I had better give up” attitude punching a time clock fits


I too in my youth were the type of guy that took huge risks with the attitude of “losing is not an option”. Having the balls to take risks others have shied away from I have managed to make millions of dollars but it’s that same attitude also that lost me EVERYTHING more than once. It’s those bridges I didn’t burn behind me that gave me the opportunity to get back on my feet.


I too made millions and lost millions… it was really never about the dollars… it was about winning, the dollars were just the match sticks that kept score.

I get what you are saying… for me it wasn’t just the bridge that was burned, there was usually nothing left but charred remains… in other words there was no going back. I don’t live like that anymore but back then I knew no other way


I tend to have a scorched earth policy when it comes to something, or someone not working out. Depending on the person obviously.

With age comes wisdom. With wisdom a proper choice can be made, and still have a scorched policy of things get wonky as an option…

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And there’s a reason you don’t live that way anymore!


lol… yes there is… I am too phucking old to bounce off of the bottom again. I think it would be more of a splat and clean up would be with a spatula and a plastic trash bag


I think the word you’re looking for is wisdom… Learned at the school of hard knocks.

The Loop is setup in a shed about 100’ from the house. It wouldn’t be possible to run a set of lines that far. Its Good advice though man. Thank you

I’m outa Oxford county, more than willing to come out and give you a hand


Thanks man, I do appreciate you wanting to throw out a helping hand but unfortunately, I had to tear down my Extractor from where I had it setup so now it’s all back in my storage unit collection dust :person_facepalming: :rofl: only made 1.5lb of batter in the time I had it setup too. Took me 3 months to dial in a sop and experiment with the material I had to work with. By the time I finally got it dialed in, I was told it had to be moved ASAP. Some exactor I am lmfao.

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It definitely takes a “special” kind of person to do this line of work especially in this fucking state. Best of luck!

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wont lie i only read the post and no comments but, i live in franklin county and ill rip down and show you to run this thing proper if you want, just dm or something

ayy just read a bit ill take it lol

Already got it dialed in and running nicely. Just don’t have a place to set it up now. Yeah, come get it . 10k and it yours

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