2 gram vapes are becoming the new industry standard

We sovled this problem by airflow design and number, ceramic porosity, intake oil hole number and size, all of them are the core technology. we tested the different parameter with more than 50 kinds. now we can said 95% oil are performing excellent with our disposable.

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Why would anyone do that when everyone will happily pay a premium for disposables :roll_eyes:

Wow, I never thought of it like that. Thatā€™s so insightful of you. Iā€™m gonna let the rest of the cannabis industry know that carts and disposables are both the same thing.

What should we call the device I referred to as a disposable as now?

Theyre literally unable to be recycled so they are literally disposable.

What the fuck is your little point, bitch?


Please explain

Also excuse my fuckin french but the idea that these carts arent disposable is a fuckinā€™ fallacy and we need to change our language if we are ever going to stop the absolutely wasteful practice of these 510 carts being classified as bio-waste

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The point is that its very obvious what device Iā€™m talking about when I say disposable, since itā€™s so difficult for your great wook mind to understand.

Iā€™m the bitch? Arenā€™t you the dude that whines about everything? Lol


Donā€™t talk to me about 2 gram carts til youā€™re done sucking down one of these bad boyz

But seriouslyā€¦ Iā€™ve also heard of a few companies talking about this. If the hardware is sound and the retail price is more attractive, I could see this as a very very small win when it comes to the waste created by disposables/carts/pods. 1 disposable/cart/pod for 2 grams instead of 2.

I personally wouldnā€™t buy one, but I also donā€™t vape like others.


Itā€™s called surplus stock they are trying to get rid of. Nothing to do with sales. Sellers lie and will push anything imported they get cheap. In this case surplus carts.


Carts are barely designed to last one use without melting components inside. Iā€™ve never seen anyone reuse them. They are all trash when spent.


Iā€™m telling you, the CBD and minor market is a different beast. Iā€™m not saying anything about the quality. Iā€™m suggesting that these are selling like hotcakes full of HHC.


Maybe you should do some research to know some basic knowledge about the industry first

He slipped the bongo vape in there to distract u, no one is gonna talk about the @SanitatemDime device till its out


When is that coming? Also are you gonna have some of them new @Liam84 devices soon?

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I never get sick of these endless carts reiterating the same flawed designs. I wish the market for refillable tank devices was better, the CCELL coils out there are awful.

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How does this differ from something like a puffco or similar device?



I get that, so whats the priority? Portability or refill-ability? My estimation is that cart users are not refilling them after use in any quantity that any manufacturer gives 2 shits about solving a reusing-a-dispoable problem.

I guess Iā€™m wondering what the market is for a re-usable cart rather than the purpose built devices, many of which are not any larger than a cart (YoCan comes to mind)

The question is would they buy one 2 gram cart at $60-70
Compared to 2 at $40


Your estimation is mostly correct. The end user will do:

  1. Whatā€™s convenient
  2. Whatā€™s cost effective
  3. Whatā€™s shown to them

In that exact order. The goal isnā€™t to force refilling, but to make refilling as easy as replacing a cartridge. Just like the goal of the cartridge wasnā€™t to replace dabbing, but make dabbing as convinient as smoking a joint. Your goal as an inventor isnā€™t to replace products, but to fill gaps.

Itā€™s easy to grow in a vacuum

Ease of use


No dude. Even if it was, it wouldnā€™t be cost effective and the rec and med market in my state at least is already having trouble moving concentrates (i.e not worth the cost unless itā€™s a bundle sale) Plus, after vape-gate not many people care to vape in my state.

Except for the fact that single gram disposables already go for $60. $40 was just a bare minimum price

this guy definitely looks slicker and more portable than the original BB

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