11-hydroxy vape?

Has anyone heard of 11-hydroxy vapes?
I know 11-hydroxy is the product of thc once it gets processed by your liver but i was wondering what is the point of making 11-hydroxy and selling it in vapes if your body will transform d8 or d9 into it anyway.
Is it a different effect compared to regular d9?
(And i mean 11 hydroxy not d11 which is different)

Legality ??!!

Its perfectly legal in the US, it can be made from D8

Might be the reason
If 11 hydroxy is legal in a federal level
It s a whole lot easiest move
Since d8 or 9 ain t

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We’re converting the conversions now?

Yuck Ă—2. :face_vomiting:


Not really, if you send it for lab analysis is shows delta 8 or delta 9 thc so it does not make it legal if d8 or d9 are illegal to begin with in that particular state.

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We’ve been doing that since HHC became popular IMO. Where do you think all that feedstock for hydrogenation reactions comes from?


Intermediates are definitely a thing and have been for a long time. Are you new around here?

Ever heard of CBN, HHC, THC-O?


Hey sorry may we know 11-hydroxy is a new oil?

Its been around for over a year but 3chi is the only one with a lab report about it

I am.

Been around long enough to know that synthetic cannabis products intended for human consumption are a for-profit disgrace to our beautiful plant friend.

Leave the synthesis to them… it’s literally their job.

You wouldn’t wanna steal jobs from plants?! Would you!?

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Its the metabolite made in your body after ingesting THC. It is also what a typical cannabis drug test will look for on Hplc in urine too


That i know, but it doent answer my question

Smoking 11-OH would get you high on 11-OH. Why would you expect it to be converted to anything via inhalation? Unless the -OH is labile enough to fragment in vapor state.

It would be like an edible high without the hour wait.


Do you, or anyone else, have an actual COA of this d8 11-OH-THC? I saw whole “3ChI ReVoLuTiOnALizEs InDuStRy YeT aGaIn” buzzfeed looking article, but not any test results.


Yeah, on that particular article they post the actual COA. The 11-hydroxy is highlighted in blue, just click on it and it downloads the COA


ah I feel dumb. I thought that was gonna lead to me another buzzfeed article on what 11-hydroxy is lol

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Oh it usually does lol.

That was a reply to bbtank so their next ad can include fun facts

You mean thc acetate thco is technically the orcinol thc which has a single chain tail