Is anyone aware of what type of thermoprobe is needed to replace the original (missing) one on the ZNCL-TS 5000 mantle?
RTFM failed me
USA Lab ZNCL Heating Mantle Maunal v2.pdf (100.7 KB)
Is anyone aware of what type of thermoprobe is needed to replace the original (missing) one on the ZNCL-TS 5000 mantle?
RTFM failed me
USA Lab ZNCL Heating Mantle Maunal v2.pdf (100.7 KB)
I did not see the temp sensor specification, but J & K thermocouples are by far the most popular, then there is the possibility its a RTD. Sometimes you can tell the thermocouple by the wire colors. Got any more pics?
Smart money says it’s a k-type or a pt100
Both those have published lookup tables.
Provide a known resistance or voltage across all possible pairs and the device should admit what it usually interacts with…
True, they all have published tables. I just assumed if the OP had mV and ohm meter they would not be asking. But if they do, use them and the published data to determine what sensor.
Doesn’t have the sensor.
Needs to provide the voltage or resistance to the connector. Which is a power supply and a potentiometer, not a multimeter
Although a couple of random resistors might quickly rule out pt100 (or any rtd).
My reading and comprehension is at an all time low. lol
I already have the aircraft connector so I scooped this in 300mm
looks like this is not a compatible option, the mantle needs a 4 wire thermocouple. RTD pt100 it looks like
I’m gonna try this out, I can get it between the flask and the mantle. I’ll have to get a thermowell for liquid temp
Aw man I recently threw away a bunch of these since I don’t use those mantles anymore, I know I have a three pin still, but I’ll look tomorrow to see if I have any of the four pins. If I do I’d be happy to mail you one for the cost of shipping.