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At the end of the day if he does not accept help he will never get better. He will have to go through the process and actually want to be clean. No one knows if thats possible but himself but at this time maybe he doesnt even know that, time will tell. The point would be if people come together in power and in groups stuff and things happen. No, one person can ever create an outcome but the more the merrier. There is no guarantee where someone will end up with the correct help. I can tell you for sure where someone will end up with no help at all. You feel me?


You’re only as good as the company you keep, when you have habits. If you dont, you have better oportunity to help. It’s like a paradox or something

What do you guys think about what Ken White was saying about direct distillation? That seems like it could work in theory: fill BF with finely ground material, pull super deep vacuum, heat to vaporization temps, run a very cold condenser and collect. Would use a very short head/adapter - simple distillation. If terps end up nasty you could remove them later pretty easily.

Am I missing some blatantly obvious reason why this wouldn’t work?

Edit: this is in regard to the first video shared.


He sends hot nitrogen through the biomass, but everything else you said is on point.

The terps he collects from the process are outstanding


Is the benefit that you don’t pull any waxes/lipids/colors and can go from biomass to a terpy distillate-like oil directly?

Sounds a lot like what I do every time I use my vaporizer, with lungs in place of the condenser.


He just pulls (colorless) terps. No cannabinoids. He does it with wet material in the field, as a toll drying service.


Interesting, thanks for the info!

Hes gotta replace that nitrogen with argon and hell speed it up, awesome to hear people are doing it in the field fresh, ive always imagined some ghost busters backpack with liquid nitogen condensers, u put a tube over the best smelling bud, clip it, close the canister snd run the system. It heats it up and the backpack pulls vac to pull the terps over.
Just get a crew going thru the field taking the best terps they smell. That would be a dream


I have seen that extraktLAB has been punching out Youtube videos. Any comments on the most recent material?

This thread needs to be revived.

Lolol I think u missed the mark a little bit there :rofl:


I did…soooo…make a new one huh.

Wait before I go. I’ve got something very important to share, this guy could be big

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@wkuconsulting is my 5th favorite YouTuber. He’s always on the hardcore cannabis topics


In today’s episode of retarded shit you see while scrolling… Closed loop extracting inside of what is very obviously not a well ventilated area and filling his entire house with CO2


Yeah, the extraction stuff is cool, but Brown dirt, brown dirt was THE SHIT back in the day.

My dumbass in high school thought he was the absolute godfather mac daddy supreme.

To be fair, still a bad MF, better than most of the chads and spoiled brats I see doing things now.


Man, I’ve done dumb stuff, but that’s impressively stupid.

One time i got pulled over for speeding on my way to the homies farm to chop and freeze his greenhouse. I had the car stuffed full of coolors with dry ice pellets. Including on the passenger seat. The cop came to the passengers window and starts to ask for my papers and goes “WHATS ALL THIS?!” and before i could even answer flung the cooler open and he got his answer in the form of a big cloud of co2 to the face. He gave me a tick3t and went on his way but i thought that was gonna end bad somehow.


And you thought your SOP was detailed