Its an overpriced tiny hydrocarbon reactor setup placed in a fume hood to make the AHJ happier.
It runs at supercritical pressures?
I think thats the brand name. Supercritical butane would be 150C at 551 PSI. I don’t think that unit is made to do that lol.
Edit: I take that back, looks like the specs do allow for that. Who knows why.
It’s like a dildo with a 1200hp motor on it
“Steely Dan”
Supercritical butane is really, really cool. You can, in theory, use a temperature gradient along a tower of supercritical butane to actually perform separations…but that’s far more applicable for hydrocarbon refining since cannabinoid boiling points/solubilities are very very similar…and that’s also not what they’re doing here from what I can tell. It would be cool if you could, for instance, winterize using that phenomenon…or pull terpenes.
How would this system differ in selectivity?
Supercritical propane would be more plausible (only 97C). I mean seems cool to me. I don’t know if it has any benefits, but surely someone with such a system could learn a lot if they put in some time experimenting.
You could use it to extract with ethane maybe
Look cool to me with the fume hood. Hard to see if the designers have made it cannabis friendly. $80k for an r&d device is too much. Definitely not something I’d buy but still cool to see an example of an extractor made this way
I bet this could actually have a lot of uses making different product types based on pressure/temp zones. This would be very fun and intriguing to rent for a while. i think we did mention supercritical ethane as being of some interest in another thread way back. The pressures are not so harsh. I’ve ran butane at higher pressures than that when using membranes.
Blast shielding for wook-proof extraction?
I have ran cannabis at 350psi (about 68c) with propane to see how our certified standard upper end limit would do…
I also wouldn’t suggest ever trying it unless you like dark degraded product. The bio comes out looking nasty just like the extract.
There is a sweet spot to shoot for though.
“5 liter extractor: High capacity”…
that’s 400000 mg you can load and extract at once. Staggering