WTB- G&D chiller

Hello all,

Does anyone have a G&D chillers model GD25 chiller available?
I’m currently building out a new facility and have all the equipment needed except this specific chiller and unfortunately G&D has a long lead time for a new unit so I’m looking for a used one.
Thanks in advance

Just bumping this to stay seen, hoping someone has one they no longer need

have a brand new GD200K. Might be a little big for you tho?

I really don’t know, I’ll check with my extraction head
Please send the specifics , I tried looking on G&D and the only 200k I saw was a heater

GD-200K spec dwg revC (1).pdf (578.9 KB)

Thanks !

Unfortunately that one doesn’t work. Thanks though!
It needs to be from there tandem scroll air cooled lineup