One google, all the info you need
Google studies are much more helpful then actual live reports from real people on a group forum like this?
Yes. Scientific studies are more helpful than some strangers anecdotal evidence.
It wasn’t about just CBD, they were using a CBD + CBG mix for people that cannot tolerate THC
The wonders of google. You seem like you’re gonna get a whole lotta helpful advice on here with the way you’re going about it.
No they are not. It’s just like reading reviews on Amazon to see what works or not, and it’s not about being strangers anecdotal evidence on a group forum like this if you really cared and want to help other people
Were you home schooled? If not, good job on your science teacher
Google can post all the studies it wants but it doesn’t mean shit until you get some actual reports back from real people
Yeah I grew up in the eighties with a bunch of dumbasses
Octave do you mean you are ingesting the distillate after it is already hardened? If so do you need to ingest it then ingest some MCT or whatever oil for the fat content or you can just ingest the distillate?
I just ingest it straight or no fat no carrier oils, no chaser, it’s the consistency of honeycomb. I’ll also rub it on sore areas of the body straight up no beeswax, carrier oils, etc. just slap the sticky icky right on there. I definitely effective in the results are fast.
So a total of 1200mg of CBG + CBD per day or that the gummy weighs 1200mg?
1200 mg of actives for Gummy’s.
The quality assurance Director from Octave Labs just forwarded me a message related to clients that he directly has been administering the CBD/CBG combo material to
August 5th, 2023
Hello there,
Please remember that these statements are testimony from individuals whom have had some relief from symptoms of their cancer and the treatment necessary for their illness. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are in no means meant to replace the recommendations of a patients physician.
Two people, one with stage 4 non-Hodgkinʼs lymphoma, and another with metastatic throat cancer, who have both used a combination of CBD and CBG paired with other minor cannabinoids, at a dose of approximately 1200 total milligrams of cannabinoids administered through a homemade gelatin based gummy have detailed the following. The items below are a combination of feedback from both patients, each did not necessarily have the same results.
● Increased appetite, with a reduction in nausea when ingesting food
● Relief from moderate thrush in their throat
● A decrease in blood pressure
● Relief from general anxiety
● An easier time falling asleep at night
● An increase in the amount of time that they were able to sleep at night
● A decrease in dependence on benzodiazepines to help aid with sleep
● Both patients reported a decrease in general aches and pains
● More regular bowel movements (more than likely as a result of consuming more food than
they had recently)
● Due to the high milligram dose in a relatively small gummy, the patients reported that the taste of the cannabinoids, even with the masking agents, took getting used to
● Patients reported feeling sluggish if they took a gummy during the day, possibly due to the small amount of THC present
Thank you Jon for that description
I would say that the issue with taste is more the high concentration of actives more than a flavor. I experienced the same thing, but it’s more of a intense reaction more than a flavor
Do you know if they were incorporating THC along with the CBD/CBG blend?
Only Hemp was used CBG and Cbd flower. This particular flower was Hawaiian haze and the white CBG. There is a natural occurring amount of THC.
We have a few thousand pounds of this Biomass left where I won’t be extracting it it’s already mixed in ground up
I meant do you know if they were adding some THC themselves to the CBG / CBD distillate?
No, nothing is added it’s hundred percent pure hemp distillate extracted naturally from the flower
This is the first time hearing of anyone taking that high of a dosage of CBG / CBD, do you know how the dosage was determined? Any risk of liver damage / toxicity at that high of a dosage? Do you know if they are taking any other supplements?
There is some other nutrients in the gummy, I can see If I can get you the recipe
This is not from an isolate. This is all natural whole plant extract. I can’t make any claims, but if I had to guess any damage to the body compared to pharmaceuticals, would be far less with the herb.
It seems that the benefits and results have been superior with the herb, then with the pharmaceuticals
Do you know if they were able to get off of their pain meds if they were on them? I mean heavy pain meds