Would you smoke this?

Royale with cheese :crown:

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Better question what’s it doing in your drawer and why does it smell like that?

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Why does the burger fat smell like burger meat???

Ok then

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No, that’s legit burger fat. From skillet…

Looks a lot like crc thought right.
Food for thought? Lol


Just a chuckle to take your attention away from All the bad news we’re blasted with hourly?

You be the judge :call_me_hand:t5:


I’ve been trying to get this to crash…look at that HTE fraction.


I was just throwing off the first poster who caught onto my shenanigans first hand. I did that around the time of posting. It’s fat from last nights dinner I thought looked like some CRC I’ve been seeing lately.

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Fuckin aye! Look at that separation :muscle:t5:


Oh sweet. I will gladly accept a job at your facility as my reward :v:

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Smells like the bomb ass spice mix I use to spruce up my burgers mixed with fat smell? Hard to put your nose on it

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Full disclosure: we only compensate employee’s in the form of Burger grease.

Huge growth potential and promotion opportunities :grimacing:


Looks crc

Hard pass

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Makes ya think :thinking:

I’m a snob and am extremely paranoid about the remediation media’s causing me respiratory issues.

Your extracts look beautiful and terpy.

Good job.


Wouldn’t smoke it but I’d vape it :grin:

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Maybe its some old GMO? I just had some “Cookies” Hash rosin that had such a gassy nose on it the pungent smell almost turned into a vinegry kind of acidic smell. Tastes super nice on the puffco, but it has almost like a mexican food taste to it, kind of a savory taste with the slightest hint of cilantro and cumin. Its definitely some nice hash tho as ive had it for almost 10 days now while a g of BHO lasts me around 2 days maybe one if im not doing anything. Also i was gonna ask if you reintroduced terps to it cause it looked so greasy. But i definitely noticed this terpene change with certain strains that had a fruity and gassy taste for the shatter. Once the shatter sugared it seemed like most of the fruitiness had left and the gassy and savory flavors seemed to pop on it. I have also noticed that the crystallized THC itself has a distinct taste. its a slightly sweet taste with the tinge of natural cleaner like pinesol, pledge or fabuloso. Ive had jars of sugar that i left uncapped where it looked like almost all terps had evaporated off of it with that same flavor to it. It seems like terpless sugar all has a very similar taste, and its almost like you can taste this flavor in the background of dabbing most aged sugars.


Seriously? I will take properly done crc oil any day…
Crc haters are tripping.
Just my opinion.


Thank you! I only make THCa powder and the terpene retention is less then 1% but it does taste good! Just different…lighter, kinda pina coladaish?

The picture in this thread is burger fat. I feel the same way about CRC, since I know what 99% THCa looks like and CRC LOOKs pure but isn’t as potent as THCa powder or diamonds or distillate…add to the fact that lipids are white and CRC sometimes has a fatty taste to it :thinking:

I’d love to see how analytics evolve in the next decade and break down every chemical composition in a concentrate to a dust particle and what that dust particle contained within it lol


Keyword proper. Ive know a lot of extractors who don’t do things proper and it scares me when it comes to tek involving filter media’s like the once used in that process. especially when you can taste good CRC from bad

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Awww don’t do that.



Lmao looks just like some crc that wasn’t dewaxed good enough. Funny

Would u smoke this


Washed terps off no?