Would like some advice on fixing the magnetic spinner on a heat matle

Hey guys hope all is well in your universe…I have an issue with my 2L mantle,the spinner has failed ,I can get the spinbar to go past 300 rpm without it losing rotation and start skipping .Is there a way to replace the magnetic drive itself or is the mantle a throw away .Any advice would be great .

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Have you tried a new pill? More often than not that’s an issue with the pill losing magnetism


I bought 2 new magnets and they still wont spin over 300 rpm .Just skips and jumps .


exploratory surgery or death it is then…


are they the right size?

Probably the magnets inside the machine, the screws are too tight so cant rotate well.

Hey CYCLO…I’ve tried all sizes of spinbar to no avail

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What magnets did you buy. The more you spend the better they work.

Hey spdking ,I bought the samarium cobalt magnets from bel art .Before i used the standard chinese spy bars and they worked fine ,Then my last 2 runs I noticed the spinbar jumping after my runs.

How long have they been used for.

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The chinese magnets were used for 3 runs …the bel art ones I haven’t used on a run as yet .I tried spinning it by itself in the bf with just water and couldn’t get the rpms over 300.Theyre brand new out the package ,I got them last week .

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I’m starting to think it’s the ferrite magnets losing polarity by what I’ve been reading on here …but I need to be sure before disassembly.

Yea prob the spinner itself.

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Are the parts easy to source from these companies?I know they would rather me buy a new one that attempt to fix the issue …I’d rather fix it than toss it in the landfill.

No in fact replace it. The whole thing. Don’t fester old gear. It could be anything wrong with it.

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I’ll take your advice brother … the thing is only a year old …fml

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How much did you pay

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4 Bill’s


It the white model of the zncl brand