Wondering if it's possible to add canna terps to nic salt solution

Easy fix for that is don’t wear them while you sleep. You don’t smoke while you sleep, so why use nicotine while you sleep?! Patches were the only thing that helped me quit (the last time I quit). I ended up ingesting more nicotine with vaoes than I ever did with cigarettes.

I need to quit, again. Cheers on taking the leap and making it happen @Capttripppp!


Definitely check out the flavor forum I linked, can give you some basic ratios to try out and make sure you’re not overboard on anything.


Yeah, I can’t remember the name of the one I got it from but they have the third party stuff in place, you’re right though usps won’t ship nic stuff.

Can’t finish the checkout process if your not in a area they won’t deliver too.

Just saying there’s options and I think companies are figuring it out a bit.

Either way, good luck with it all @Capttripppp! I’m rooting for you!


I have to take them off like 4 hours before bed! When I had my pulmonary embolism I had to quit smoking, and I was able to do it for about a year and a half using the patch and the gum. However if I can’t find another route, I’ll use those because they’ve worked before!


Thanks Homie! There’s actually a gang of us attempting this this time


Air factory is good but personally I feel their flavors started lacking around late 2019, I switched to cloud nerds iced salts. They’re heavy on the sweetener like air factory is which isn’t my favorite but I feel they have more depth to the flavors so you don’t burn out on then as fast.

I had to swap flavors every few days with af but with cn I can go 1.5-2weeks before I get flavor burnout

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Oh yeah it’s definitely been long enough some shops/sites should have some stuff in place.

I just know most shops in my area are still using freight because it’s been such a headache since ups/USPS/FedEx all banned nicotine products.

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This is very much an understated issue with vapes, great thing to bring up.
The nicotine high from freebase and salts is fast and strong but fades just as fast.

When first trying to switch many end up ingesting more nicotine than when they smoked tobacco because they end up chain-smoking the vape all day chasing the shortlisting high. As long as you have a regiment to progressively cut back your intake in place (I recommend about 20-30 days of however much ya need to fully quit) and avoid chain smoking the vape constantly (just treat it like a cig, get your lil buzz then wait) it can be mitigated.


Not him personally, just someone out there for the same thing, his class.
I’ve got a nova 4 device

That’s where I’m being careful! Not interested in creating more of an addiction. That being said, I’m going to do what I can to not show myself to use it more than cigarettes. I’m sick of both, and honestly would rather only inhale cannabis vapors etc

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You can still get nic base if you look hard enough

Buying unflavored juice is a custy move

Why? I’m trying to quit smoking, not pick up a new hobby kid.

My time is spent on other things, and I need a fix or I’ll put my fucking fist through someones face, that’s what I was looking for, not trying to find the perfect flavor combination or whatever.


Ok, if you wish to waste money on it, that’s cool

I figured people here didn’t want to get middled on something that takes 2 min to do themselves

Being able to pour your own juice makes it absurdly easy to taper off nicotine

also, I am far from a kid

They have some cool nicotine analogs now, I really like nude nicotine. You can buy undiluted nicotine from Merck, but it’s extremely dangerous to work with. Like a vapor droplet on your skin is death. Best to just buy pre diluted.


Ya i will only touch 100mg/ml base. Anything higher and I’d be nervous over safety

I can only imagine merck is expensive


If you want different flavors let me know.


And here’s the thing, in this case I am a custy…
Bro I’m literally looking at formulating something at the 6 to 9 bottle level. I am not even remotely looking to do any kind of hard work on any of this besides adding a couple things at temp if I need to stirring them and then putting them in a bottle.

I’m not looking to do this for the rest of my life, I’m looking to come off the cigarettes, and then finally only smoke cannabis related products. I have to choose smoking water the two and I benefit greatly from Cannabis so cigarettes have to go

And cool I appreciate it if that was the angle you were looking for! Thank you so much I do appreciate anybody trying to help anyone save some money.

At any rate, thank you bro! Hope you have an amazing thursday!


Bro, trust me I understand just how deadly nicotine is. And the thing that a lot of people don’t realize is how fast it gets out of the system, and or if the person’s a smoker no one will ever notice. I mean it’s a pretty wretched way to go from what I understand

If you are spending the money for 6-9 bottles its probably still cheaper to mix your own. You are already having to mix in terps to unflavored juice, its not really any more work to mix the flavorless juice yourself either.

Either way, best of luck

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