you’re right. Silly me.
Let me drag my $250k automagic extractor outside.
Shit, that’s where all the chillers are.
That’s ok, I’m sure the wind won’t blow fumes in that direction.
Oh shit, what’s all that crap in my pour? “It’s Just a feature of the ventilation”
YOU should definitely work outside. It’s a fuck ton safer than working in your garage.
I’ll stick with controlling my robot-with-a-bomb from a safe distance, in a room that can yell an screen, and turn up the damn fans if it notices a leak. That can respond with fire suppressant if the pour ignites.
You are absolutely welcome to believe you know better than those that have gone before you. Without that attitude we would not have made all kinds of leaps.
nah dude, you’ll fall off if you sail over that way…
But you’ll learn more if you can loose the part where it’s all about YOU being RIGHT.
Being wrong is ok.
…and sometimes there are multiple “right” answers.