Wipers vs rollers

I haven’t found any real info on rollers vs wipers in a wiped film setup other than

from @Kingofthekush420 - feel free to expand on that comment too :slight_smile:
But i thought I would see what the consensus was and the pros/cons to either style

So there’s the cheap Chinese rollers that use centrifugal force to push the roller against the body or you have rollers with springs

The ones that use centrifugal force are garbage you want a spring loaded roller like what Inconn has.

A roller with a spring will create a thinner film then a wiper or a roller using centrifugal force

This allows for better seperation since its a thinner film and better heat transfer

The thinner the film you can get the easier it is to distill out what you want

Think about an spd vs a wiper

Codistillation happens inside of a spd because there’s a large mass being heated with a ton of different compounds, as things evaporate they pull other things with them which is Codistillation

This happens less with a thinner film


yeah the spring loaded action makes sense to me and i’ve see you mention before in another thread that you would never buy a wiper that didn’t have springs


wiped film not rollers. :grinning:
thin film to make it easily to distill under High Vacuum.

what? are you trying to say your preference is wipers and not rollers because you believe wipers makes a thinner film?

Also @Kingofthekush420 in the breakdown video on the LS website you posted, their video shows that their machine is utilizing wipers, at least that is what it looks like

Wiped Film is 99% recommend to Wiped Film Evaporator.

We saw Pope Distill adopt Wiped Film with Spring inside. :yum:

Falling Film Evaporator ( Falling film better than Rising Film ). :yum:

Hell yeah brother


In theory, a scraped contact will always leave a thinner film than a rolling contact.
The devil is always in the details.

:joy::joy::joy: fucking dying that’s too funny

I also found this on different rotor styles, but not much for an explanation on the difference or benefits of one vs another