Wiped Film Parameters

We when you mention 2nd run. Is that on the distillate you get from first path or is it the crude you run again to pull what’s thc is left… 99% test results? Or yield from crude?
Thank you

Is that 2nd pass with distillate or the crude??

2nd pass in a wiper is the pass after the terpene strip.

The terpene strip removes just terpenes


Ok how about 2nd pass on fully winterized,deterp’d. Or technically 3rd if counting terp strip. Is the 3rd on the crude a 2nd time of the final distillate second time ?? Thanks for help

Hey, I got a question regards to wipe film that trouble me a while.
What direction do you run your wiper? Are you running the wiper in direction that push crude down?
Or running in direction that wiper push crude up?

Sometime I run the wiper in direction that wiper will push crude up, so that the crude spend more time in the distillation body.
But I run in other direction once and found the result is fine.
Which direction do you think is better ?
I am talking about 6" glass.

3rd should be done on your distillate.

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I had the same thought of rotating the wipers in reverse to push the crude back up but noticed it was splashing drops onto the internal condenser. I was able to get resident time to over a minute though and can see potential for the tech I just need a splash guard of sorts to keep the crude out.


Run the wiper so it pushes the crude down. If the residence time is too short, slow your feed down and increase wiper speed. Otherwise you risk getting non-distilled crude into the condenser


Syltherm XLT Aromatic Siloxane Line Card 1.0.5(1) (002).pdf (196.3 KB)


I thought that the color was from oxidization

Thanks! Pushing down is the right direction.
I open up a stainless steel model last week and found out their only direction is pushing down.
The manufacturer said by pushing down, your wiper actually roll crude oil into thin film, which help a lot for distillation.

Pure thc wont oxidize, the impurities do


Every wiper I’ve ever ran pushes the crude up and has never had a problem.

This includes the VTA which made wax that tested at over 99%

You got the black carbon hinged blades or the older ptfe slot block wipers in ur vta?

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What type of extraction and what’s the coa on the biomass?

Is this 146c @ 3 × 10-3 mtorr

Under -3 x 10-5 at least. I have second lab results from a separate lab posted below

1st pass was terp/volatile strip following VTA guidelines. 2nd pass they bump evap up to 169 according to what they provided me. 2nd pass produces amber distillate typically in the 87-89% range.

