Wiped film - am I doing it right?

So my good ok Chinese wiper is back together and finally running again.

After all my reading and everything I’ve been making only ok stuff.

Learned today that everyone’s micron measurements they posted are generally post cold trap which I did not know :man_shrugging:t2: I must have missed that in my reading.

So here’s where I’m at, splitting heads at 252 microns (3.5x10^-1mbar) as per @Kingofthekush420 vta sop

Only thing I’m not doing is going 400rpm because then the unit usually stops and shudders and I have to stop the spinner and restart it

Pick me apart :+1:t3:


Congrats on getting it running man! Where’d you end up finding the replacement body?

1st piece of advise is to find the vac leak though, 250 micron is a tad high


China :tipping_hand_man:t2: from another supplier

For splitting heads 250 is high?? So the vta sop isn’t great?


Sorry I thought you were running the body, you said splitting tails. Also FWIW I don’t run a wiper so I’m probably not the best resource.


Derrrp ya I meant heads I’ll fix that


I wanna see the new body whenever you get around to take some pics of it! You going all in with ballistics gel for insulation?

Nah this works

Just bunched it up in between

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Fuck Yeah!!! Glad you’re up and going finally!!

I’m working on some co2 crude right now as we speak!


Much better machinery too lol

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Honestly seems like I’m pulling too many heads though

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How much did you spend on the setup minus the ancillary equipment?

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It came with it all

Oh lol, how much all in then.

Honestly don’t remember now, I can tell ya it’s cost me more since lol


Whats your vacuum level

Yeah I saw u had some trouble. Thanks for at least replying lol

Roughly 360 rpm

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This is cbd correct?

No, d9