I know you need a polar solvent to winterize. I know butane isn’t polar. I made crude, mason jarded it, and freezer stored at -18 c°. The pressure of butane should of been at around 1 psi at that temperature. I left the solution for 3 days and then when I looked at it there was a large amount of white waxes on the bottom of the jar. I filtered it through a buchner with a 1.5 micron paper at a very low vacuum pressure and there was a lot of very white contaminants filtered. So what is it that I filtered out? Did the waxes still seperate even though it wasn’t a polar solvent?
Material is green house grade B+ fresh frozen whole plants cut down because sign of mold was spotten 3 weeks before harvest.
How are the pictures related?
Read through here
And ask yourself what you’re looking at…
Throwback BHO clean up tech
From @hambread " If you freeze the solution with different volumes of solvent, you can achieve a pretty nice removal of fats first, then reduc the solvent volume and crash out much cleaner THCa"
How did you make your crude? From bho I’m guessing is why u would have butane still in it? If that’s the case you may have just jarred an cryo crashed out the thca. An as @cyclopath said what an why are those pictures there?
Winterizing with butane Noooooooooo the diamonds lol, you separated the initial nucleation.
The crude was made by packing a column freezing it with 3 filter papers on the column 35m 10m and then a 1.5m. Frozen butane cans as well. The pictures is what the oil turned out like after I ran it through chromatography and distilled it. Yeah thank you fro teaching me, my high ass just tossed like a gram of thca.