I have a contract for 350k lbs of conventional biomass to fill. Farmer has fallen off the face of the earth.
70k already filled, so I need another 280k.
I was paying $.40/lb but I’m open to offers. I will arrange & pay for shipping. Will contract to take a truck a week.
Must be free of pesticides & heavy metals. Must test under 10% moisture.
If you have a reputable, recent COA— great. If not, give me what you have for now & I’ll fly out to check it out & take samples.
PS-- I pay 15% of my profit for referrals, guys. That’s ~$21k if you help me fill the whole remainder of the contract at $.40/lb cost.
August 30, 2021, 11:43pm
How fast are you looking to aquire this material? I can check with all the folks we sold CBD Clones to this season, but most of the material is still in the fields.
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Whenever I can. I’ve managed to procure a truck here and a truck there but need to secure something long-term.
I pay 15% of my profit for referrals, guys. That’s ~$21k if you help me fill the whole remainder of the contract at $.40/lb cost.
September 2, 2021, 7:19pm
Hi there I have 300 lbs of cbd buds in 2 lb bags 8,5 cbd auto pilot. Plus 13 lbs of Bubba and 20 lbs of crude
In VA 22734
Let me know
Biomass brother… I need biomass.
September 3, 2021, 12:29pm
Great, that’s a bit more than 0.1% of what OP needs
September 3, 2021, 1:38pm
Hey Carey, thats $150 worth of cbd, where can I send payment
370 lbs X $0.40
$.40/lb is a crazy low number - I’m seeing at least $.85-$1.50
I can help if you can raise your price a bit
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I’m finding $.05 to $.07 per % point per pound all day long. If you have bulk buyers at the prices you shared, we should talk
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September 16, 2021, 7:09am
Are you still looking? what min weight youd consider? dm me any details that would help whats time frame?
Well so far it’s been eat a dick even conceding some pennies.
They say ‘eat a dick’ in the eastern & midwestern US, with the exception of NY, KY, and some TN. West coast is often just happy to finally move it.
DM me your number please.
January 28, 2022, 7:36pm
Welcome to the forum @Kdizz you won’t be able to move CBD products here without first getting verified.
In order to advertise your hemp products on this site, you must follow these directions:
You must include your forum handle in your shipment. If you do not include your forum handle you will not get verified.
You will need to provide me samples (1g or a single unit) with COAs of any products you wish to advertise on this site.
Include $100 for processing of your sample. Make checks or money orders payable to Dustin Powers. If your check says “CBD” on it, don’t bother sending it, you will …
Can i refer you to a farm?