Will pay $20k* for a Referral! Need 280k lbs of 10%+ CBD Hemp Biomass (Milled)

I have a contract for 350k lbs of conventional biomass to fill. Farmer has fallen off the face of the earth.

70k already filled, so I need another 280k.

I was paying $.40/lb but I’m open to offers. I will arrange & pay for shipping. Will contract to take a truck a week.

Must be free of pesticides & heavy metals. Must test under 10% moisture.

If you have a reputable, recent COA— great. If not, give me what you have for now & I’ll fly out to check it out & take samples.

PS-- I pay 15% of my profit for referrals, guys. That’s ~$21k if you help me fill the whole remainder of the contract at $.40/lb cost.


How fast are you looking to aquire this material? I can check with all the folks we sold CBD Clones to this season, but most of the material is still in the fields.

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Whenever I can. I’ve managed to procure a truck here and a truck there but need to secure something long-term.

I pay 15% of my profit for referrals, guys. That’s ~$21k if you help me fill the whole remainder of the contract at $.40/lb cost.


Hi there I have 300 lbs of cbd buds in 2 lb bags 8,5 cbd auto pilot. Plus 13 lbs of Bubba and 20 lbs of crude
In VA 22734
Let me know

Biomass brother… I need biomass.


Great, that’s a bit more than 0.1% of what OP needs


Hey Carey, thats $150 worth of cbd, where can I send payment

370 lbs X $0.40


$.40/lb is a crazy low number - I’m seeing at least $.85-$1.50

I can help if you can raise your price a bit

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I’m finding $.05 to $.07 per % point per pound all day long. If you have bulk buyers at the prices you shared, we should talk :slight_smile:

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Are you still looking? what min weight youd consider? dm me any details that would help whats time frame?

Well so far it’s been eat a dick even conceding some pennies.

They say ‘eat a dick’ in the eastern & midwestern US, with the exception of NY, KY, and some TN. West coast is often just happy to finally move it.


DM me your number please.

Welcome to the forum @Kdizz you won’t be able to move CBD products here without first getting verified.


Can i refer you to a farm?

Yep. DM me

Ok. I will

Sent DM