Who’s Got The Plug for Disposable Gloves?

Just need like 20 boxes, large.

Not too picky on specs just not the super cheap lunch lady gloves (aka sandwich bags with fingers). All my usual vendors are backed up til mid May. Best I’ve seen is individual boxes coming in late April and that’s 2-3x the usual cost per box.

Oh also… be on the lookout for sellers advertising they have high demand items in stock and ready to ship then changing the delivery window after you pay. I think we will see a huge spike in “exit schemes” where sellers will collect tons of money for product then just ghost completely. A lot of people will get away with it too given how chaotic everything is. I’ve already had 3 different vendors say they can get things delivered in 7-10 days then on the 10th day it’s still not shipped and they are saying it’s “still being fulfilled by the warehouse”. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and if the price seems better than average and there’s no “delayed shipping” warning, it probably doesn’t exist.


Reach out to your local tool truck dealer. Matco, snap on and cornwell. Mac if there around. Look for microflex, diamond grip, latex gloves. These are widely used in the automotive mechanic industry. My dude has them every week no shortage.

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I’ve been ordering these on Amazon. Says 21st but I ordered 2 boxes so far and only took a week each time.

Not sure about 20 boxes but might be worth a shot to get a few

Oh I will, it never hurts to have some backups. I’ve been ordering a few boxes from a bunch of different sellers just so there’s enough around. Thanks for the tip

My pleasure bud. I’ve also been ordering some things on ebay, and most things are 2-3 days and at my door. Not sure about gloves,that’s for useless thing I probably shouldn’t be wasting $ on. I’m bored to hell, and pretty much anything on Amazon is a week out anymore.

harbor freight ONLINE …if you go into your store and expect to still find them…good luck. Was able to order several boxes Online and had them shipped with no issues.

Im glad i have sooo many shipments from china coming…every single supplier ive asked for a hundred n95 mask and all said no problem. I have several hundred masks coming…thinking of offering a promotion…free masks with every purchase.


Shit, you know it’s bad when you get on 4200 looking for the glove plug.

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I just got 4 cases from the lab depot

I also get gloves from Sally’s beauty.

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Sally’s Beauty… now that is the type of ingenuity that I knew Future4200 would come through on.

@Killa12345 thank you for the suggestions. Also a ton of places are doing promotions like that. It seems arbitrary to throw in but it really does help people go “screw it I’ll buy some stuff this week” rather than wait. I saw more than one dispensary say they’re giving a free roll of toilet paper with purchases but that’s more a publicity thing than anything. It got them on the news at least

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They got stacks.


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harbor freight all day. the 7mm ones are super cheap for a 50 box and the 5mm gloves come in a 100 pack. i use the 5mm for working in the lab and the 7mms for wrenching on the cars… less than 10 dollars for each box


you already know… harbor freight is seriously the best place to find gloves… ive actually never had issues walking into the store and finding what i need. usually they have an entire wall of nitrile gloves in every one ive been in


The nitrile gloves work beat for trimming. Very little sticky from the trichomes.

Bump to see if anyone has found new leads. Xtractor Depot doesn’t appear to have them for a couple months. Nitrile preferred. Supply is drying up left and right

i do. Dm’d lbs

Where are you located? We have been picking up locally in Denver.

We have very limited availability on uncommon sizes of Microflex nitrile gloves - 10 cases of small, 13 cases of extra small, 1 case of large but they’re latex with aloe, and 1 case of XXL. A few packs of others. Microflex is releasing them super slowly unfortunately.

Try your local janitorial supply company, cintas, etc. we have been stocked up fully at our facility for months. masks are the only item we saw become unavailable.

although most of our suppliers require accounts with credit references, etc, cant hurt to call and ask.