Hi, anyone wants to meet up at Concentration 2019 in Pala on 30th May?
Should be in Southern California that day. IDK. Yo @BG305 what do you say? wanna go
I’m down my G. Where do we sign up? I’m sure @Krative will joins us.
Goddamn guys!! I’m gonna be gone from may 29th till June 10th. Please do keep inviting me to these though as I will definitely make it a point to be at any events I’m in town for! I always love to get together and discuss tek!!!
I’m sure this event will be amazing though, let me know how it goes!
Definitely will my bro. I wish I would have had more time to talk with you at the last even but you saw how crazy the booth was. I will let you know when I’m in LA so we can sit down and shoot the chit. Maybe take a ride up to Cal city so you can check out the facility as I’m sure you would have good inputs and ideas. I know @Killa12345 is working on some recipes on setups for us to build out up there.
Seems quite lots of people are interested in going. Hopefully we can meet some of you there!
You have a booth?
No, we are just going there to learn and talk to people. We have a booth in the MJBizCon Next in New Orleans, which is just one month to go!
Bro come our here I’ll come to hang out with you guys
We are doing the same. Let’s get as many of us together and have a meet and greet.
I’ll cruise! Will have the puppy’s in north county San Diego as well
Any other big get together happening this summer?
when where how much and any info on lodging big help
The norcal meet up is in 6 weeks, a month after that we will have another socal meet up
I’ll be there
Looks like I’ll be there too.
I’ll be over!
We’re game! Down the street
We missed the chance to go to talk to people on 30th May as we went for an installation job for a customer. But hope to see you guys at MJBizCon NEXT in New Orleans from 12th June to 14th June.