After running 4 buchis and helping others with the series of problems the unit has as well as providing method support becuase everyone knows the method buchi provides is terrible. It has become clear that there are probably many other people out there in similar situations. So who has buchis that are just collecting space or not working properly?
What issues are you seeing with Buchies? We have been thinking about getting a few of them.
There are multiple issues that are easily fixed once you’ve dealt with them. Pump seals, manifold, ect. On top of that they promise they provide a method for remediation but it is terrible and doesn’t really work. We have been helping multiple companies with these issues. I actually would recommend buying buchi but you should be aware of the problems and the fact their methodology is not good.
What are you trying to do?
If you want to re-mediate THC there are much better methods…
Feel free to reach out.
I’m trying to see who needs help and who has units sitting. We offer consulting or would be interested in a deal where we us the unit and pay you.
Run it isochratic with the right media