White Label / Private Label Organic Pectin Gummies 2024


Can you give me some insight? How does the 1ml candy compare to the 3ml… When it comes to demolding… I ASSUME they would be more difficult. My ASSUMTIONS are not always correct!

It’s definitely more difficult, although not impossible. Just a pain. Other sizes make more sense at scale. BTW I am wooking my way east for the texas eclipse next month, maybe I’ll stop by and say hi.


Thats awesome my friend. If your crew is small, more than welcome to crash at my house. We have three extra rooms.
Plan to stay an extra day so I can show you the proper way to make gummies…

Seriously it be nice to see you again friend…


Right on sounds good. I would have settled for a couch!

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We can pop 3k 3mL gummies by hand in the same amount of time it takes for us to pop 1k of the 1mL gummies. Way harder to work with, but darn if they aren’t cute.


What Temps are you demolding @?

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As soon as they’re cool and popping out easily. We don’t really check temp at that point.

Flip the mold over, peel it back (foreskin method) and brush the gummies out of the mold

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U should

Care to elaborate on a reason why? They cool in a temp controlled room at 60F until they are cool enough to pop.


What’s your contact?

any shroom gummies?

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Sent you a DM


Five different sizes now available