Where to buy CBDA in pill or vape form?

Shulgin had an extreme tolerance to these substances.

Do not do shulgin doses unless you too have a high tolerance.

MAPS lowered the therapeutic dose from 120mg to 75mg for this reason.

Most people will throw up on 120mg of pure MDMA.

MDMA is in phase 3 human trials and it wouldn’t be if it was significantly neurotoxic.


don’t offer things to sell without verifying. Also how the heck do they extract cbda with “only water”. CBDA isn’t appreciably water soluble

Acid base extraction @RedundantAlexithymia


well that wouldn’t be “only water”

Seems like semantics to me.

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Thanks for the reply! That does it, I’m gonna do it!

I meant the dose that they recommend for therapy, not how much they actually took.

There’s a chapter in TIHKAL where she breaks it down, it’s something like 100mg to start and a 60mg booster after 1-2 hours.

I apologize…I’m not affiliated with the company in any capacity and will not make the mistake again.

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How stable is CBDA? Mechoulam talked about it at CannaMed

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No reason to apologize! Have a good day!

Can you send further details please. I would like to buy some from you if they’re for sale, or to learn about this process and how you managed to achieve this in your carts. I would really appreciate your help but I understand if you want to keep your cards close to your chest. Thanks in advance anyway man…

He didn’t really say much. Cool to watch thiygh

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Homogenizer and 3 unique cannabanoids