Where did Greenz go? Nevermind… found him!

Keep that same energy for now. Maybe he’s not trying to burn you, maybe something actually come up for him.

From what I seen I doubt it. But give him a week before you call it what it is

~another week… :joy:

I don’t mean to make out like im laughing at your situation. Just to be sure.

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1 more week past the 9 days since a response? Even after he was seen as recent as a day?

Just making sure I’m understanding.

Not trying to be a pretentious dick. Just wondering if there is an etiquette on the forum with those with grievances.

First one I’ve had on here…


No you got every right to act how you want, I was just trying to give the whit elame the benefit of the doubt.

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Not that he deserves it, more hoping he would have a response.

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That’s all I’m hoping for


If the plug doesn’t come through, there’s a palladium vein under the Blossom Grove in Riverdale.


I spoke with @Greenz last week, pretty sure he is in my neck of the woods on a consult this week. Maybe hit him up on signal


Never got his number…

I do have access to some earth moving equipment😁


Oh shit.

  1. I was on the road for 9 days straight. I thought it shipped out the day I left.

  2. I also thought you had my number for some reason so I would have heard if there was an issue.

  3. The product that came was unacceptable (not what it was supposed to be) and should be in “sometime this week” but they said there was some Chinese holiday. Don’t know if they meant now and effected shipping or if it effected produced etc no idea. As this was just a “hook up” (and a bad one at that) to a fellow member, It wasn’t processed at all and directions were left through word of mouth and sticky notes. I should have communicated better with my manager and with you and that is 100% my fault. I didn’t prioritize it as I should have because of the nature and once again my fault.

  4. My desktop at the shop is logged into future, if anyone pulls up Firefox there’s a chance a window is open on here somewhere. This is the first time I have actually been on.

  5. I shot you a return of the 6 hunnid (let me know you got it) and if the product that arrives “this week” is the right CAS this time (or something you want/can use) I’ll shoot it to you on the house.

  6. I apologize for not prioritizing this. I didn’t think about it with everything going on and should have.

Mybad brethren.


All’s good, guys!!! Just glad he was safe! We straightened it all out.

Thanks again @Greenz ! Keep on rockin it! :facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3:

Thanks to those who reached out to him @tokesandtinkery @Killa12345

Nice to see level headed people not flipping out and handling this like adults!


I knew my fav janitor was a good guy


Can confirm - moon festival. Damn good time and a lot of good food.




I let rule #19 (always try and hook good people up) overstep rule #7 (never offer a product you don’t already use/order) which ultimately broke #1 (Always do good business).

Legit probably first week stretch I haven’t been on in 2.5 years or it wouldn’t have been an issue at all. Guess I should keep scrolling through all the future drama so I don’t become it lol

Back to the halls Frank, back to the halls…



These are good rules

Is there a whole list?


He’s a good person. We all tend to lose communication and get busy. He paid me up front for business previously. Hope everything is squared up.


All’s good! @Greenz is a stand up, dude!

Shit happens. Just glad it was an oops and he wasn’t in an accident or anything.


Sometimes I think folks want this place wants to be Drama4200 :joy:

In 21 hours we go from “he better be worried about his reputation” to all resolved without incident.

@Greenz did me a favor, when it took 3 weeks longer than anticipated to get it to me he offered to refund it for the hassle. This offer btw, was before he received any money from me.

I read him as very busy, but interested in doing good business (and stretched a bit too thin, how’s that GC rebuild coming along? :joy: ). That’s why I wanted to pop in here. Shit happens and he had always been communicative with me, this seemed really strange.

There are a lot of pieces of shit doing business here. I hope next time we’re a little more curious before we bring on some of the pitchforking for those that are doing good business.

I’ve got more money sent to another “respected” forum member that, 6 months now? Still without and hasn’t communicated any updates in a month. Always someone else he’s waiting on but, I am glad that freezer is working.


Hahahahaha I think I’m picking up what you are throwing down…
