When to introduce nutes to clones.

I may try it on a plant just for shits and giggles and will report back with what infind

Im not going to ignore any ones opinion on the use of certain products because i get it, but i WILL say i have done all the research there is to be done on the safety, and effectiveness of these products, and its just what i have to do right now to make sure certain things go right. I have read research on lab tests on avid, eagle, etc. Again, im not trying to defend it or ignore you, its just where im at, and how im doing it this time around. So all i can do is my due diligence to make sure im successful, while also maintaining safety. Ive spent enough hours reading people argue about this, so i just dont care to do it.

I think i got the answer i needed to the original question, and very much thank all of you, as im sure ill be posting more things in the future as i go. I never ignore ANY advice, or thoughts. I just take it all in, and do the best i can :slight_smile:

The dangerous systemics you mentioned have no place in what we do, and are certainly not necessary. I don’t care who likes me and doesn’t for saying so.

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I mentioned that to him, not he. This is only done on a new strain I may pick up. Then grow and take a clone. Kill hammered original sprayed plant. Grow that new clone. Take a clone from this. Toss prior clone. Now I’m 3rd gen into a non sprayed cutting.

For synthetics I use Jacks 3-2-1. If you dont know what that is look it up. I cut my nutrient cost by 75-90% Lucas formula is also cheap.

I do plain water in the cloner no gel no nothing just ph adjust. In 5-7 days give em about 300 ppm and when u see prolific root growth transplant and hit em full strength if they will take it.

This works better than anything else ive used for pm, mold, etc. The website has instructions for cannabis plants - foliar and soil drench.

Its ingredients are listed for commercial cannabis production in michigan

I thought you just begged it for 30 days and flower? It’s systemic so cloning is not gonna do a damn thing. Lol

This is for the pesticide haters.
I use avid and forbid 2-3 weeks before flower
And use eagle 20 around the same time if I see anything funky.

I use them responsibly and so can you.
Proper pesticide regiment with basic cleanliness is key


I really want to try jacks but can’t find it locally anywhere near southern Oregon. But I read that it is crazy cheap compared to anything else. Shipping makes it not so cheap, but maybe I can see if anyone I know taking a trip soon can pick it up somewhere

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Order it right from jacks they look out on shipping. Or theres always amazombie

U need 2 bags plus epsom salt. Thats the whole schedule its like a $55 bag and a $65 bag and u use the same ratios thru both veg and flower. Theres another bag, the booster, that i would recommend but its not for beginners. Im still on the same bags for the last 2 years indoor and out :laughing:

First i tried grow-more mendo mix then I found jacks. Jacks is what everybody else is knocking off

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