What's w all the Crc haters?

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It’s good to see many others concerned about filtration media contamination.

I’ve read the majority of the OG CRC thread but can’t recall if glass media was considered as an option. In wastewater filtration, pool filtration, sand can be used. Glass media is another option. Can filter down to around 50-5 micron depending on type. Might not work well for this application for a variety of reasons but I was curious if it’d been discussed as a Celite alternative. As a crc noob I’m almost certain that this would have been brought up and potentially dismissed for good reason, I just haven’t been able to find it via searching & browsing yet.

Edit, of course it’s been mentioned months ago.

What’s the chance of glass beads or ‘frit’ being crushed and pulverized/powderized inside a pressurized CRC @ say 100psi to smaller than 5 micron? Not the same situation but ever since D-nail posted the pieces of glass particulate generated by banger beads / ‘terp peals’ I’ve had thoughts of microscopic glass particles in various odd situations… https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JScswnS_a/