Whats this smell?

No no i quit dabs for about 3 years, i just grabbed this the other day to see what the street had to offer after all this time and this is what i found…

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Ahhh, my bad. I thought you had held onto this for 3yr!
@ScoobyDoobie ,might be some wack trim like you said?

@YESHUAisLORD smelling the extract is a good way to differentiate higher quality material from lesser quality. If it dosen’t smell fire don’t buy.


Mine was buds and it looked like the material had sat exposed to the sun for about a year. I’m talkin fuckin 0 chlorophyll in this bud, was drier than MgSO4


When the shwagg from inside my rig looks/smells better then shwagg inside my slick its time to stop… Just give up going out of town to pick up slabs of government cheese… (I didnt go out of town the kiddo bringing back lbs of this late night at the taco truck excrement)



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Back to business as usual



It’d be nice to get some fresh or at least not some half a year old buds they look good smell good taste fire about a 7 high but the yields are muuuuch to be desired. But even so were minty free here boys just gave it a couple spankins around the slick and we have ourselves some decent eye appeal. Rosin CRTek HAHA

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