What went wrong?

Molecular biology…which makes me a Genetic Engineer :shushing_face:

I’ll go chase that down if I have time, but we’ve got folks way more qualified than me reading this.

So someone else can probably chime in?

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Ayee that’s so cool. Genetic engineer for cells of plants or human genetics? you should def talk to Mr. Alexander That does the meetings every Tuesday in your town. I think y’all two would kick it off. If I’m not mistaken one of your employees did a presentation their. I did one also a while back on extraction. He has a degree in micro biology and his mother had a degree in geology with minor in micro climates. He is the smartest person i know in permaculture.

I had a feeling chemical engineering was not your degree bc in refineries chemical and process engineers build the “CRC” reactors. Do you remember the fella who is a process engineer that posted a while back? I know he should have extensive knowledge on fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. The concern i have is 304 at cryo temp, magnesium (crc), seasonal wear, faulty fabricated Chinese SS vessels, and if a person does not have PRV. Could this cause a bleve? That’s why worst nightmare to see happen and that’s why i never used N assist. I know refineries blanket all there equipment with 10psi of nitrogen but i always thought to much with the combinations above could cause an accident from the inside.

I have a degree in process technology. From my experience the only people who can answer this question with an absolute correct answer is an experienced PE and CE for magnesium from the oil industry. They been on the trenches in larger scale and have studied data on this

So hopefully one of them can advise us for safety precautions and maybe a OSHA lesson.

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