What type of plastic do you like to smoke?

PVC everyone had one long ago. PVC bong…

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Society isn’t involved in fuck all decision making. Nor are they informed about the shady shit going down.

Now I will admit, the vast majority would be complacent when faced with the facts.

But I, for one, had no fucking say in this alleged societal consensus…anyone else here particpate in FDA or any other regulatory agency’s rule making process?

Another caveat lies in the delayed research study results of any substances on the human biology over a generational time period. We are continuously discovering shit that wasn’t blatantly killing us in the short term actually turned out to be devastating over 30 years of exposure/ingestion.

I dunno. Micro plastics and forever chemicals are a really big indicator of our ability to fuck the planet up.

Like the entire planet. Even the sea floor where we can’t physically go.

I’d hope they were a wake up call rather than a source of outrage fatigue.


“I also used a soda can as a child to smoke weed”

In the days/places of illegal weed, they would charge the ‘paraphernalia’ as a additional offense, so smoking out of something disposable like aluminum foil was smart in the sense of helping get away with a crime, even if it was dumb in other ways. When something is illegal, not getting caught is always a priority over one’s health.


lol I remember a week after I smoked out of an aluminum foil pipe with my friend, my right lung collapsed, doctor was like, “Your lung collapsed 80%, crushed like a soda can.” Spontaneous pneumothorax is what they called it, not sure if the aluminum had anything to do with it really but apparently I was born with air bubbles in my lung and they just popped out of nowhere.

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I agree. I used to watch this video of an ex cop showing how you to never get caught. I never got caught with weed.

My 5 step approach.

  1. Avoid breaking additional laws.
  2. Choose a good time and location to get high.
  3. Be aware of your surroundings.
  4. Do not hang out with stupid people.
  5. Put the drugs away when finished.
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worries about micro plastics, proceeds to hit China cart


i smoked out of a can 1 time harsh and sucked.
i kept a deep dish craftsman 3/8" socket.
good stealth with other tools on the floor.
many friends did the same after using mine.
as for plastic it is in everything now.

I remember being at ace hardware buying brass pipe fittings to make a bowl and the helpful hardware man would not leave me alone.


I had the helpful man help me build it. I was building a water “filtration device” similar to the JET Waterpipes with the jet stacks with holes completely outta PVC. He was cool until the very end when we put it together and it looked like a pipe bomb. He asked me “you aren’t making a bomb are you” and I said “NO, it’s a water filtration project for school!” He said bomb, not bong!


Weren’t people open blasting with non-distilled Ronson butane through home made pvc blasters too :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I remember using a smoothie straw that had pinholes at the bottom and melted to a 2 liter and a marker with a torque wrench socket that had a janky flimsy brass screen that you used to get for 50¢ a pack attached to it and that was the slide.

Was able to bubble and it ripped.

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And look at you today! You’re just fine! Let that be a lesson boys and girls. Smoking out of plastic is A-OK :+1::+1::+1:


Senior year in HIGH school we would make Dr pepper bongs during lunch out of the 20oz bottle, a Bic, and a gum wrapper or piece of foil for the bowl. Everything had to be disposable just in case, but definitely came at a bit of a cost health-wise. At least nowadays I’m not smoking stuff sprayed with chemicals and covered in mold, the crazy stuff we used to find inside the bags along with the weed as well!


Well I’ll say this, we all thought the tin-foil was the evil and the bong lasted a while but after it was gross and we tried to replicate it it wasn’t the same.

So it was just a legend after that. Lmao cause we weren’t smoking off of tin-foil and the weed was smoked on metal that had a brass screen, all of me and my dumbass friends thought we were saving ourselves by not smoking out of foil with pinholes.

But smoking from those materials isn’t good for anything, given I did feel more a memory loss effect smoking from cans and tin foil. Once I went glass and joint papers I never looked back and always at the very least made sure to have a small metal janky bowl with those screw on carb caps.

Fuck ghetto bongs, cans and anything like that.