What type of bentonite to use?


I’m making some distillate.
Right now my SOP is a bleaching on my second pass to get rid of red tones and it’s working pretty well. I use acid activated bentonite and do a 30 min oleo mix then dilute with heptane and filter.

I know some people say to use a non-acid clay and put it right in the boiling flask for best results. I find I can’t really clean it very well after that. And I also can’t use the tails for my tincures.

I was thinking of maybe packing my short path column with bentonite pellets and having it interact via vapor path. Has anyone tried that before?

Acid vs regular bentonite, anyone have a definitive answer?

Can You Please explain the loep mix part and what % to weight of oil You Ad of the bentonite ?[quote=“tweedledew, post:1, topic:17994”]

I didn’t get that quote…

I use about 8% bentonite to distillate ratio in my bleaching step at 90c for 30min presently


Thats what i wanted Thx
No isomerization ? What so ever ?

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I have used neutral bentonite in My SPD flask but there is always some isomerization at 2% by weight to oil
Cant use much more for iT Will make the spinbar collapse :grinning:

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U need to get the green spin bar made of rare earth metals, that can keep up with the powders


I get isomerisation, probably average 10-15% on the low end.

IT does Amazing things to color
And iT doesn t affect CBN
So for My CBN extracts i take all My tails and SPD run them
The bentonite isomerizes all My cannabinoids to unknowns probably delta 10 and leaves me a gold yellow 38% CBN
0.03% thc Distillate Wich i want :grinning:

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Does the bentonite clear it up? Any pics?

Firstpass without bentonite
Second pass 2% bentonite
But i had isomerization in this batch


Any loss of Yeild? When I ran carbon it cleared up like water but I lost Yeild.

Well Yes If isomerization is accounts for yield löss :rofl:
Only CBN survived Wich was My aim
But i imagine most don t want that

What % of Carbon
What kind of löss
Stuck in Carbon so volume loss
Or isomerization loss
What was the end result of the destillate
In cannabinoid %