What to do with Terpenes from 1st Stage Wiped Film Distillation?

Hi All,

I am interested to know current and best practices to deal with terpenes from 1st Stage Wiped Film Distillation?

  1. Is there any market potential for selling them?
  2. Is there trash disposal method for the terpenes?

As you know, it smells gross.

Looking for your suggestions.


1.Google search “terpene market report and forecast”
There is demand for terpenes but your main competitor is big pulp, which produces amounts that hemp pales in comparison to. Adhesive, ink, construction, polyamides, and fuel additives. Most companies are national/international so if THC is a possibility it’s probably a no go.

  1. Call your local waste company or municipality and be clear what the components may be, and they can advise you better. If they hang up on you, your next best bet is finding an overpriced cannawaste company.

If they smelled like decent weed you’d have a market.

Doubt anyone would have an industrial use for them though. As was said, limonene is pretty much the go-to for organic cleaning solvent and does not smell gross


Thank you for your response.

Any idea what hemp/cannabis companies are doing with the terps at this point?

If there’s a consumption use that is probably the best route however other bi products could possibly be used to create polymers for plastic substitutes. This is actually a really interesting use that I’d love to pursue if I had the chance

Burn them. They are pretty toxic to fish so don’t dump them down the drain

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Spd7 will refine them to a pure solution. The terps from the sauce.

Lol come on brah


Hard left turn. No elliot, we’re talking about heads from a wiper, not terp sauce from diamonds. Nice sales pitch though


I was going to say something, but didn’t want to sound harsh


Same question for the Residue?

What to do with residue from 2nd stage wiped film distillation. It is quite solid thick, hard to remove from bucket. Can we trash it with solid waste disposal?

Thank you all.

I’ve tried to cook my residue to 0% cannabinoids with zero luck. The fact that it has THC in it means it needs to be disposed of properly which is probably best for a third party company. Incineration is an option.

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If they smell that bad then idk much you can do with them. Most of the first pass terps I have experienced smelled pretty great for the most part unless they extracted old material and then distilled shitty extract. You could always try combining what you have and running it through again to try and squeeze out that precious disty. Otherwise you can use them along with cold trap and botanically derived terps to make some carts.