What to do with my stems?

Sorry! You’d be right to call me a bastard for it


Nah it inspires just the same.


I might try this this year. That was inspirational

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I’m curious to how long it will last… Does hemp rot like reg wood?

Here’s an idea, find a wicker to make hand baskets!

It probably depends a bunch of factors (environment, how tight the weave is etc). I’m sure something like linseed would probably make it last longer. Hemp is pretty fibrous so it probably would last fairly well

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I was thinking linseed myself.


The article is named Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - a High-Yielding Energy Crop. The solid fuel area is where they talk about charcoal.


With a few trailers full i would just burn them in a wood stove or burn pile. That amount would make 3-5 bags of pellets

You could hit up places that make animal feed and see if they will process it into pellets for you

I’m putting this out to everyone being I probably am not going to be able to get it done. FIRE STARTER LOGS!!!

The slow burn comes from the paste used to treat the hemp. Compress and you have CBD fire logs!

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My stems burn hot and very quickly. They are great for starting fires, not for keeping them going.

You can strip the fiber and felt the bast for whatever. They make a good seed starter or rockwool alternative.

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Thick main stems could be drilled down the middle and than on the sides to create a flute or recorder like instrument. Medium sized could be made into drum sticks maybe? Create a broom out of them like the straw brooms. A bow and arrow set, blow gun. Hunt and play music like its 500bc.

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Also, the hurd holds moisture very well. If sterilized there’s enough nitrogen in them to grow manure-loving fungus. :wink:


I thought it was just my crazy gf…not you too! takes crazy heart to like these ugly stinky things

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Get in contact with a hemp rope manufacturer

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Get a chipper and make a biochar barrel. Turn it into cannabis biochar. Put it in a paper sack and sell it for top $


Do not feed them to pets.