What temp to distill EtoH for yellow?

We do 30-35c. If your vac is deep it will still crank nice and fast

are we talking slab color or bulk crude color?
Ive never seen material push out golden bulk crude color from just a cold ethanol and slow roto. So if your expecting your golden yellow tincture to condense down to a golden yellow bulk crude, its probably not likely. I have to crc to be able to get yellow golden bulk crude, comes out almost clear slabbed up and the tincture was almost clear with just a hint of yellow


Is your CRC done in ethanol or a non polar solvent?

Heptane or pentane, ethanol only works with scruubbing imo
I use heptane for material destined for distillation and penatane for material destined for crystallization. Simply because heptane is cheaper and i do majority distillation and pentane allows u to play with temperature swings much easier when crystallizing.
I dont scrub anymore, i like continous feed and minimal high temp teks when it comes to post processing, to minimize conversions