What Seemingly Innocuous Thing Makes You Look Like a Complete Arsehole?

Yup we get shit done and don’t give 2 fly fucks about fabricated feelings.


sometimes we get contracts to build various vessels if the clients design is just fucked all over the place and would not work I have to tell them "its not going to work and needs to altered but apparently I’m the asshole for not following the flawed design from the beginning go figure.

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Same same.

Except abusive people.

When it comes to innocuous stuff I get really annoyed when people insist on using text message threads to conduct business instead of email chains or apps like slack.

Having to search through legions of group text threads to locate info is less than efficient.


I get upset by some of my clients who think that appropriate times to place orders/conduct business/discuss deals is at 5:30PM on a Friday a half hour from quittin time. We strive to get orders out freaky fast for our local delivery clients but some of them do not respect my time and think that I still live at work like I used to.


personally I would just post any order placed after 4:30 ships the next day "no idea how long your tasks take but 30minutes ffs people can be unrealistic.

People who tailgate you. When both the fast lane and merging lane are open.


So for non local clients I ship out same/next day. For local clients I do free delivery. People like that sometimes they get their order within 30min-2hr of placing it. It’s just a pain when people wait all week and then place an order on Friday and expect me to jump and run.

I am proud of your progress of posting pictures Thump

Baby steps


*I was born a Dip-Shit… Dip-Shit’s come from Assholes… It’s a generational thing… When the Asshole you were born from and vigorously trained by over the years passes… Well, the Dip-Shit becomes the Asshole… If you have kids, they are upgraded from dip-shit in reserve to Primary Dip-Shit in training… *

As explained by my Father… Honestly
Plus I openly admit
it!Denis Leary - Asshole (Official Uncensored Version) - YouTube


I’ve got no patience for people who drive like they have nowhere to be anytime soon.

I try to get places efficiently so that I can get more done with my time since I’m so lazy. I live in a heavy retiree-populated area because of the nice weather, and I am constantly feeling like an a-hole by having to drive around everyone all the time. The average speed limit in town is 35-40 but I drive 50. If nana wants to save a little on gas and creep up to 30 mph after half a mile, that’s her right of course but when that light hits green my tires are spinning and I’ll be 2 miles down the road before she hits the next light.

Not saying I condone driving badly, I’m still safe and very vigilant just fast. No accidents, tickets, or even warnings in over 11yrs knock on wood but I do get the occassional jerk who wants to yell at me for speeding around their slow ass.


I go from 0 to Asshole at an accelerated rate when behind the wheel!
Story time: Just last week I’m 55 in a 50 on residential roads. Lady in a benz comes hauling ass up to me, rides my bumper and is inches from it for a couple hundred yards. She decided to pass me in a double yellow… So I matched her speed all the way up to until she had enough time to get back over before the curve… I’m not looking to hurt, and hopefully the experience made her think.

But I know she didn’t think at all. Just thought I was the asshole I’m sure…

And just so you have proof here you go! If you follow my Instagram you’ll know what I look like, and my dad is dead so nobody’s really being doxed

That was my ex’s Christmas gift to my father and I One year!


This and poor leadership.

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Last year during a snow storm, I was driving on the highway with someone tailgating me. Then I saw about 2* miles up ahead a truck hit the middle median and spun around.

So I slowed down. . . .
Still tailgating me. . . .
Turned on my 4 ways . . . .
Still tailgating me. . . . . .

Then right when I passed the truck, they decided to pass me in the fast lane.

Then they saw the truck and rammed my car to try to avoid hitting the truck.

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I was born atop the mightiest of all asshole trees by a majestic asshole eagle and even my asshole mother knew i was too big of an asshole to live so she threw me out of the nest and i smacked every branch of that asshole tree on the way down.

I think chronic pain makes people grumpy.


3 types of people in the world


And those people deserve everything that they get!

It’s honestly the innocent people involved that’s the heartbreak


Bro, just because you hit every branch in the asshole tree as you fell doesn’t make you one!

I’m just fucking with you! You’re certified


You have “oh shit” Fridays too.


Im considering making 100 hats. its very popular under our current administration and still gets double takes. Cops take selfies with me when I wear it. Liberals scorn me and refuse to look back at it but when they eventually do they hug me. Old ladies compliment me on nice hat and i think they think its a trump hat? Also at least a few times I can get away with offering the hat if they call my allin= its a strong move. Ive told them no over and over and its discontinued. I can bluff with it. Last bluff I tried was right into the guy with a nut flush?

Your a fabricated feeling

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