What’s wrong here

Regrettably there was just enough Budweiser disty for a taste. Non-alcohol piss.


Thank You! All for chiming in. I have turned up the heat, added foil to the boiler along with water and salt. After more reading I shortened up the coil from 50 ft to 15 ft and I’m getting some decent output. Fuck yea! I may be sucking to hard as the recovery alcohol does have slight gold tint. More work to do but Thank You! All


Throw some pictures up of the final rig… Let’s see what you ended up with, and how it’s working. That’ll give others ideas for their experimenting in solvent recovery. Thanks


What did you use to seal your condenser coil to the sides of the pot? It looked like there was masking tape wrapped around the inlet and outlet of the coil.

Kinda looked like it was leaking from the seal in the original picture, or was that just condensation?

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Crank up the heat if vacuum alone isn’t doing it. Don’t expose any flammable vapors to any source of ignition

Most definitely will once I have something that is truly functional.

Believe it or not Duck Tape but that’s because my bulkhead connectors haven’t arrived yet lol. For testing purposes it does work. Here is a shot of what I pulled after an hour. Certainly went a little too fast lol

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Whats it smell like?

Terp Shine…
Take shots as you go along


Like powerful booze lolol


You’ll be able to control Temps more evenly if you placed the jar in a pot (aluminum and you can still use a stir bar) and fill it with some water. Can even place a spacer under the jar so you’re not super heating the bottom.

Anyone else notice the weird shaped jar?


Lol yes

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It’s tough to find the exact jar You need these days.

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It looks like it smelted

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They always throw me off when i see them in the store

so… adding more heat should create more vapor, which should raise the pressure (lower the vacuum). what did your gauge read when you turned the heat up?!?

I like a rice cooker or crock-pot with a PID hacked in for driving this size still…

air/water HX are also your friends…


think that’s cool you should google/youtube diy rotovaps